If you really wanna get started with your own domain I highly recommend just getting https://purelymail.com/ setup for the hosting provider. It’s going to be way cheaper than just about anything and you pay for what you use. I’ve been on it for a few years and never had a problem.
Maybe it’s just that my computer is slow but it seems much faster for scrolling around the map.
I generally only map in places where I am or have been but I definitely would be careful about using it in places with bad imagery.
AI stuff aside, the tool is so so much faster than iD it’s kinda crazy.
Thanks for sharing your script. I added a link to your comment at the end of the post 👍 I gotta learn JSOM one day.
I know the author wants to move to vector maps which could make it much easier for someone to selfhost something like that.
Might be worth mentioning your feedback on related issues (or creating them). The dev has been very responsive to feedback in the past.
What’s wrong with android? I have bitwarden setup any basically any time I tap a password field it offers me to fill in from my vault.
I’m not sure but there is an open letter that you could sign that could have some hints https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40986638
What is your use case for navigating? I feel like if I’m in a new place OrganicMaps isn’t so great for discovering POI. But if I’m in a place I already know decently it’s pretty rare I need navigation anyway. I’d like to use OrganicMaps more though :)
Seems like a nice option to have! FFsend is my go to https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend
Thanks these are definitely a step in the direction of what I’m looking for!
However, I’m more interested in the GitHub specific stuff like comments on issues and pull requests opened and labels changed. That sort of thing to see what is being worked on.
Looks nice but I wish the clipboard history could be based on number of items and not just time.
This is so freaking cool thanks for sharing! Would be cool if the author auto kept a gallery of before and after for each place to show how much it is improving places.
Also, I gotta say it must be crazy for someone to live in one of these little towns that’s barely on the map and then one day they open whatever map app and boom everything is there! They probably just shake their head and say “technology…”
Wow that’s excellent progress! Keep up the good work :)
Appreciate the kind words :)
This is fantastic thank you! Learn something new every day :)
Pretty much :)
Yeah it’s kinda the opposite of “New interface, old implementation.”
Which I learned from https://henrikwarne.com/2024/01/10/tidy-first/
First, if you can swing it I’d recommend getting a server with a static IP. You can get can get them as cheap as a few bucks a year from https://lowendtalk.com/categories/offers ofc with that they may have more downtime than 5/mo boxes.
Anyway, if you don’t wanna pay you can use something like duckdns for dynamic DNS and get a free domain that automatically points to your new IP whenever it changes. Works well if you’re hosting from home. :)
It should be (according to the video) but maybe sometimes you get an all bad set?