I get it. Good luck with your search!
I get it. Good luck with your search!
I use porkbun, they seem great, why are you switching? Just to have a European based registrar?
Really liking mailbox.org so far!
Damn, too bad. Looks really cool though!
Can you edit the PDF to add links to other parts of the PDF?
OpenVMS, now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time, a long time…
I just got started with mailbox.org. So far so good!
Nothing, and so they do. Dell will sell you an XPS 13 with Ubuntu installed. Lenovo will let you select Ubuntu or fedora in some models. System76 and Tuxedo will sell you a bunch of laptops only with Linux. Starlabs sells Linux laptops. KDE sells a laptop. Purism sells Linux laptops.
Did you just assume no one sells a Linux laptop?
Those are completely unlicensed, the author hates them.
One thing you can’t say about Calvin and Hobbes is that it’s “drenched in commercialism”…
This might be the most unpopular opinion I have ever seen on here.
Nothing Microsoft ever does should be trusted or relied upon. They are a bad actor who always operates in bad faith and should be treated as such.
If you still care and your domain is still hitting spam filters, have you setup spf, dkim and dmarc for your domain?