is this issue also on in the bios?
yes = hardware error
no = software error
rat emoje (my keyboard doesn’t support emojes)
is this issue also on in the bios?
yes = hardware error
no = software error
no, what’s forced on others, no matter how nice is authoritarian
depends on the instance, if you’re nice it’s really hard to get banned on .world or blahaj.zone, on grad or ml tho you gotta be authoritarian
sry, meant ocean gate (I’ll edit it)
I mean I did something stupid when hand fireing it, so they got a point ig
just gonna mention ocean gate here
nah, this is fr and I DID learn out of this experience, I just wanted to share it, so everyone can be reminded how important safety is
edit: also the reason I posted a screenshot of my camera roll is, because I did something illegal
I meant it as in at least it was 100% infill not as in it was 100%++ infill
I send the stl files
edit: but the only thing they did wrong was usibg pla instead of abs
I belive an abs gun should be able to fire 2-3 shots, also it’d probably crack instead of explode (according to people who tried it that is)
ofc I weren’t! eye/ear protection is for soy boys!
I’m a hobby gunsmith who happend to buy a 3d printer
gun made boom, but in the wrong direction, because my friend printed the barrel with a weaker material
edit: typo
I think you misrepresent something here, I clearly told my friend which filament to use and trusted them, that’s why it’s mildly infuriating
nah, it felt heavy enough to be at least 100% infill, this is the reason there are no plastic fragments in my hand
ok, I’ll admit I’m kinda at fault here to
forgot to mention: it fortunately only was a 40gr .22lr
protectionism doesn’t work tho