Currently no. But they had, which was clearly stated as it was talking on the past.
Currently no. But they had, which was clearly stated as it was talking on the past.
The smoked salmon Philadelphia spread…? I love me some salmon, heck even smoked salmon, but that stuff? You can have it all to yourself
Man reading this thread, you’re kind of a dumbass. Especially if you think rewording your answer here from the last reply to reframe to current time period vs what was being talked about would throw off the scent
Whoa, hold on now… I’m not old, and I shit through atleast 4 edition’s of Uncle John’s bathroom readers in my pre and early teens
I have a feeling that individual does not know what a lemming, a literal rodent, is
I mean if my family is any statistic to go on, 2/3 kids (me one of them) swore off Netflix since. The other, bought their own subscription as soon as the code stopped working
Hmm, seems your regex isn’t perfect mister bot. That’s ok
This is making me think of that Fifth Element opera song lmao
The only way to win the game, is to not play in the first place unfortunately
I don’t hate that version though, for what it’s worth
I knew I was wrong but I just couldn’t recall the right one. Thank you!
Is it shitbag steve?
Can someone please remind me wtf this one was called lmao
Both smiled in their last frames, must be a happy story!
There truly is a lack of pushbrooms in my life, and that has to be a problem
Oh were they referring to praise hands? I thought they meant 🙋
Of AI essentially
Your link is broken, unfortunately the last ‘):’ was appended to the link
The first xkcd I ever did see was this one, fitting that its also the first xkcd I’ve witnessed referenced on Lemmy
Your second list is wild personally
The first list, those second two items are the trash I think 80% of people hate