That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
Yes, the EU will certainly kowtow to him and bend the knee. 🙄
The people who check receipts to make sure you’ve paid for everything you are removing from the store. OP is saying that the Costco people are hard core, but that other stores’ receipt checkers aren’t going to try to stop you, which makes those places much more hassle free to just shop and go after you’ve paid for your purchases.
The niche thing you just bought just two months ago and that no one would ever need two of in their life.
This was such a compensating thing. Tried to back out of the deal, wasn’t allowed to, then made this dumbass dad joke. “I meant to do that” vibes, fucking pathetic.
Drumpf is obsessed with rally size, skuM is obsessed with twitter engagement. Rotten tomatoh, decomposing tomahto.
Awesome. Not having an issue with Lifelock or the fact that they let me know this. The issue is with a pharmacy needing to verify my identity so that I can get my acid reflux meds.
Sorry, my human, but naw…this has never been necessary in the history of humanity. Kroger doesn’t need to make sure I’m me. The doctor says fill the scrip, you fill it.
Downvote me all you want.
Oh, don’t you worry your sweet little head, we will.
I think that’s what the college kids were playing with when I was in high school.
Started college in 1995, and I indeed did have ICQ before too long. Still remember my number (6725571).
You probably had all three installed on your computer and probably all running at once.
I remember using a program called Trillian (which is still around!) in the late 90s/early 00s. It allowed you to connect multiple IM accounts in one app. It was sorta finicky, but it got the job done.
I quit doing Christmas a dozen years ago, and I’ve never been happier. I’m an anti-capitalistic athiest…I don’t give a Fuck One about keeping Jeebus in Crimmis, and I am just not real big on spending hundreds of dollars buying things for people that I think they might like (but probably won’t) just because it happens to be the fourth week of December again. That shit’s bonkers and is for the fucking birds.
Hell naw. You keep your $40 and buy yourself something you want or need, I’ll do the same, and you and I will just moosh calendars and share time and a meal together without propping up capitalism.
Or…and hear me out…maybe instead we blast AI data centers with these Jewish space lasers I keep hearing about and leave the land to return to nature? Just spitballin’.
Seventy thousand dollhairs.
You have no idea what I’m capable of in <<City>>. 🤣
Such an obvious mail merge. I’d imagine there is a way to automate pulling the Google Street View images and pasting them in the document, but I don’t know how it’s done.
But yeah, I got version 1 from that article and just shook my head at such a pathetic extortion attempt. I was like, “C’mon now…everyone in my life knows I’m a polyamorous hedonist. I could sell some of them whatever video you could ever possibly have of me that you definitely don’t. 😂”
I smoke absolutely nothing, take no drugs at all (apart from caffeine), and forget to take my meds every other day…just basically raw-doggin’ reality. But I need to dig into why I do the things I do that lead to my relationships not lasting, because human connection is the one drug I am feening for the most.
Yeah, I get that. Single guy who likes to have conversations with kids: Creepy. Married guy who likes to have conversations with kids: Aww! I hate that that is the mentality people have, that single men are creeps. (That being said, it would help if so damned many of them wouldn’t send unsolicited dick pics to women on social media.)
And thanks!
Yeah, I know. When I had to get a marketplace plan in Texas during the pandemic, I had to search through page after page on Psychology Today…nearly 300 providers in, I found an acceptable one. But I’m in Portland now with insurance starting in nine days, and I’m told I’ll have a much easier go of things here.
I’m glad you got the help you needed, that’s awesome.
I have the added fun of being queer (non-binary, grey ace) and polyamorous, so finding care from sex-positive, LGBT-friendly providers who are also well-suited to treat autistic patients with gender dysphoria…
I lived in Texas until recently. For the past ten years since my journey of self-discovery began, finding therapists has been awful. But I just moved to Portland, Oregon this summer, and I was told by the genderqueer, neurodivergent benefits specialist at the school district I started teaching for that I’ll have a much easier time finding care here because (gestures broadly) it’s Portland. 😊
You don’t have to go cold turkey. Just shop at websites that don’t say “Amazon” in the URL