“All I said was ‘that piece of halibut was good enough for luigi’”
“Luigi, luigi, luigi”
“All I said was ‘that piece of halibut was good enough for luigi’”
“Luigi, luigi, luigi”
I’ve still got the box, CD, and Manual for Aldus Pagemaker, but what I use is InDesign from CS6 - the last non-subscription version.
You will continue to receive Windows Defender updates. I have a Windows 8.1 tablet that keeps updating Microsoft Defender antivirus. It’s only used to connect to RTSP streams for music.
Ah yes, that’s a concern - but I have a job in Task Scheduler that re-writes my registry tweaks - mostly changing various tasks back to “disabled”. You can trigger it hourly, or on an event. As soon as a selected event - such as a telemetry switch-on - hits the event log, the “disable” script runs.
There’s other ways, like taking ownership of the executables and changing permissions to lock out the “SYSTEM” account.
And pihole blocks DNS resolution of the telemetry harvesters as well. Windows update won’t touch that. It’s not 100% effective, but I couldn’t be bothered to take it further.
Audio playback is such a low-demand process, surely a player (e.g.VLC) can spare a thread to line up playback of track 2, a few seconds before track 1 ends? It knows the exact length of the track, why can’t track 2 be initiated when the audio level in track 1 drops to zero (or minus infinity dB) in the last frame?
I tried co-pilot. Once.
I asked it “why does Windows Defender peg my HDD* at 100%”
The reply was “I don’t know, but here are some google searches that might help”
Microsoft’s own co-pilot doesn’t seem to have access to microsoft products, so now I uninstall/deactivate it every opportunity I can.
*yes, a HDD. Not ideal for performance these days, but it’s the last laptop I have with a HDD, and I use it for experiments.
It’s not difficult to block the mining and telemetry. Pihole, a few registry tweaks, a few scheduled tasks disabled and life goes on.
Folk see nothing wrong with spending hours tuning a Linux distro, but they object to doing the same with Windows?
FWIW I use vanilla Debian for everything other than what I’m required to use Windows for.
One doesn’t need to pay for MS Office. Not home users, anyway.
It would certainly accelerate the development of language. How many new words will be invented, or existing words subverted, to serve clandestine communications and slip past the filters? Steganography, anyone?
Can I See Great Etchings Near Dubai Ending Roughly? <- That’s a bit weak, but you get the idea.
You, too?
Infosys is a mistake. It’s a poor choice for anyone.
We’ll see. I’ve set the Group policy to limit feature updates to Win 10 22H2. I will be unhappy if they over-ride or reset a GPO.
Pi-hole can block microsoft telemetry domains, just need to keep the blocklists up to date, and flush the Recall cache every day.
But you can feed a scrambled egg back to a chicken.
Last time I bought a Win 10 Pro DVD to install on a customer’s machine, it was AUD$195.00. And I still had to use powershell to de-provision some of the bullshit. Better than the Home version (AUD$165.00), at least I can use GPEDIT to disable some “features”.
Of course, a Windows licence on a pre-built Dell or HP would be a lot less.
“If you think this is expensive now, wait for 20 years” “Not a problem, I’ll be retired by then, it’ll be someone else’s problem”
I’ve got an Asus eeePC running WinXP. It’s air-gapped and the wi-fi is disabled in BIOS. All it does is play music, connected to dumb speakers. I update the music periodically via USB. Remarkably reliable and long-lived hardware.
Happened in 2022 to a 2017 MBP belonging to someone I knew. She went out and bought a new one, and put the old one in a drawer. She brought it to me in 2023, I investigated and found the shitshow - Apple saying “nuh-uh”, the ACCC (Australian consumer advocate) saying “you’d better”, then Apple quoting me $1100 because the ACCC never enforced it, and me getting it fixed locally for $550. It needed a new screen, not because the screen itself was faulty, but because the failing flex cable was integrated with the screen. Screw Apple.
Destination: Las Vegas
Ford car: “Visit Hard-on Henry’s for hookers and blow”
What, not even an IBM POWER 10 ?