Oh no, we’ll have to use something other than terrible, AI ridden MS office? How terrible
So I checked the config for the external drive again and discovered when it was remounted it had added a, “1” to the end of the drive name. I went back into the .env and changed the library location to reflect this. Restarted docker and it is now connecting again. Obviously it is not ideal to be using a external HDD, but I wanted to test immich out for a while before investing into a bigger self hosting rig for all my services.
Ultimately problem solved though
Drive was just connected with USB to mini PC so it was also unplugged and I had to remount it to the PC. I looked in the .env file and the path still looked good. I had considered this was an issue too. I figured that restarting docker with the drive properly mounted would fix this though. Still getting, “connection was reset,” though
Still useful if you utilize calibre
My kindle has been on airplane mode for years and I read new books all the time with it, but hey, whatever works for you
This is why you never connect your kindle to the internet. Calibre forever
I feel bad for the kids put through this hell
I thought rd got shut down
Too late Microsoft, I just moved to Linux this week and im not looking back
Honestly I would take the little banner if it meant there was not comerical breaks. The fact that they do this on top of all the ads they also play at breaks is so over the top. I have been getting into European football and I find it so refreshing that they play 45 mins half straight through. It’s way faster games and there is not the disruption of comericals. In those games they have the banner, but I don’t mind it as much
I’ve been thinking this when watching sports recently as well. I would argue that now these companies have decided that commercial breaks are not enough. Now they put ads on the freaking court and the players jersey so every shot of the game has an ad in view.
Even the sidelines have changed. There used to always be ads there but they were static and never changed during the game so they were easy to ignore. Now there are these computer generated ads there and they move around to try to get your attention. Hockey is almost unwatchable because of the ads on the boards that never stop changing. I still go to sports live when I can and pretty soon that is going to be the only reasonable way to watch sports and enjoy it.
I would love to switch to Linux, but everytime I try to look at it seriously, I get overwhelmed by the choosing of distros and people saying its hard and complicated. I wish it was more clear cut where you should start. I used to think it was ubuntu, but then people shit on it. Then I thought it was Mint, then people shit on that. So on and so forth. Makes it hard to understand how to even approach it.
I’ve recently been buying a lot of blu rays and mp3’s so I own the media I like. I used to steam a lot with Spotify and Netflix and was very happy for a long time. Then Netflix did that password sharing garbage and I started just finding my shows online. I hate that there are so many streaming platforms as well so I would have to chase the movies I love to watch them again, because they would constantly get moved to different platforms. Then a few years ago I bought a used blu ray player and started picking up my favorite’s. The quality is fantastic and I don’t have to wait for buffering. Best part is whenever I want to watch again I can just pop it back in the player and it doesn’t cost me any more money than I did to watch it before.
The streaming age started out great, but I think physical media could make a serious comeback. Not like I care if it does come back though. I would rather keep getting my blu rays for a few bucks on eBay. I would hate if blu rays became like the retro gaming market where the price of old games can skyrocket
Air Canada
A couple years ago I paid what I felt was quite a bit of money for good seats on a plane. Then they started playing ads on the screen in front of me during take off. There was no way to turn off the screen and it literally felt like this screen was being thrust my face that I had no co trol over. Airline is the worst way to travel and they are only going to get more predatory.
It doesn’t take much to run home assistant. I just have a raspberry pi going and it never fails. I plan to upgrade it to something more powerful in the future, but for now it is more than capable of running home assistant for me with no issues.
Just checked my emails and both were pwned. Bummer