A song of fire and ice.
Maybe he is slowly upgrading it to a taller fence. Only 328 more to go.
Initial thought was “I can’t think of anything”. Then I started scrolling through this thread showering upvoted on all of the repressed memories.
In the time it took you to write that you could have installed Linux and had a better idea than any of this back and forward.
improves device pairing
V6 seems a little soon for this unnecessary feature. Maybe push it back a few versions.
That’ll fix the cheaters though right? Right?
I’m going to need some more details. Is reality shirtless on a horse?
Should just be a generic crypto currency symbol with a rug being pulled from under it.
No it would not.
If a single person can make the system fail then the system has already failed.
Additionally, organizations should approach CrowdStrike updates with caution
We would if we were able to control their “deployable content”.
And now a word from our sponsor: CONSUME
Along these lines though when I did a lot of wood cutting I would buy the foam ear plugs, cut them shorter then use a hole punch to create a centre through hole that fit my earbuds. Replacing the stock rubber/silicon pads.
I would then compress the ear plugs with my fingers like you normally would and slip the earbuds in.
I would guess the earplugs efficacy was slightly reduced but it let me listen to music and podcasts while slinging a chainsaw for hours at a time without having to have ear damaging sound levels. I always used a helmet and earmuffs over the top for extra isolation.
So Trump is on drugs.
Conservative projection is a confession.
Why is Colbert doing security for Elvis?