~(for a hug, of course!)~
…just this guy, you know.
~(for a hug, of course!)~
hero material.
my family contributes $5 monthly to the signal foundation. consider doing the same if you are able.
the entire family uses it personally and for business so its among the best montly contribs we make.
sorry, boss - aws is having… “issues”. had to spin up the local load balancers. no need to thank me. we should be good for a week or so.
Carlson appeared to assert that there was a connection between cartels and the historical practice of human sacrifice in some pre-colonial Meso-American cultures, saying: “And these are from cultures that have practiced human sacrifice for thousands of years.”
as have your (supposedly) european ancestors, you racist pig.
Homan answered: “I got a video on my phone showing a member of the cartel skinning a man alive.”
into snuff porn. cool, cool. watch it often?
I know people who are activated by this bs. they will repeat this sort of garbage ad nauseam in an attept to shut down an actual conversation. a prime example of what happens when bipedal great apes never manage to evolve a socially beneficial relationship with their reactionary lizard-brained fascist instincts. great filter, here we fucking come.
The votes will once again force Senate Democrats on the record about whether they support transferring more weapons to Israel — including a slate of new senators who will be weighing in for the first time. The upper chamber of Congress has gained six new Republicans and six new Democrats since Sanders’s previous resolutions in November.
a self-selecting list of people to primary.
depending on specs it will be a little power hungry, but a good virtualization platform.
yes, the power supplies are likely redundant and the server will complain if they are not both powered.
it will use a VGA connection, but you should be ale to find cheap VGA monitors or cheap adapters.
RAID controllerfor those drives? how many processors and cores? how much RAM? what OS are you planning on running on it? iDRAC included? (if so, likely idrac6, but still usable)
this hardware is very well supported by linux - I have used these older servers extensively. your boss was right to be excited for you. its a great exploration platform that you will be able to do lots of things with.
fire up a live linux distro and get detailed specs on the box - that will guide what you can play with right away.
this is next level insanity and I am in awe.
silly rabbit, healthcare is for wealthies! your DNA and medical history is farmed to cure your betters.
now sit down.
this is the most accurate take I have seen yet. all true. nothing else to add. simply an unmitigated national security disaster.
yup, been doing this ever since it was availabe on orbot. easy to do and helpful to the Tor network users. please consider doing it yourself. thank you, OP!
indeed. it will serve you well in many, many… situations.
gently harass them until they relent and try it? let the website to phoneapp pipeline do its thing.
I know opinions on the nation vary widely, but I thought this was an appropriate-length, well written, illuminating article that dropped a few info nuggets about the biden inner circle I had not heard before. worth the read.
fellow female students
laughs in executive order
I see what you did there.
I hate to +1 but yeah, this. get familiar with Tor. learn what it can do and when to use it. play around with hosting .onion sites to distribute information safely. use orbot on your phone similarly.
some distributed messaging apps like briar use Tor as their internet transport mechanism, so… why not go all in and really learn to use Tor for real. now. while is easier to do so.
cut one layer of the parasitic middlemen out of the loop. 👍
the corporate noose is tightening on everyone; the rope will either fray and snap on drop or simply break our necks. I am sickened by the short-term likely outcome, because so few people are pulling out the knives and cutting at their tethers.
gotta keep culture war bullshit front and center - dontcha, mr. “uniter”. keep everyone arguing about useless, pointless nothinginess while the world burns.
will be interesting (read: frightening) to see how this crap filters through the population and media domestically. conform or else, because language has become a wedge attached to an axe handle.
uh-huh, uh-huh!
oh, look… its accidental intentional de-growth! /s
as a sane human being who understands that capitalism fueled climate change will eat my kids, I am not sure how I am supposed to feel about this.