Nail under the left rear tire every day. Nails are 3.50 for 100 at current rates. When I did it the truck only took two weeks to switch to street parking at a much lower price point (2.50/100).
I have a stockpile for annoying parkers.
Nail under the left rear tire every day. Nails are 3.50 for 100 at current rates. When I did it the truck only took two weeks to switch to street parking at a much lower price point (2.50/100).
I have a stockpile for annoying parkers.
We are already seeing it 1 year into GPT as human authors bow out when not paid.
Just give it another decade the air/water will take care of that.
And Cali has some of the better environmental protections in the US.
The false part of that statement is “may”, it should read “will”.
Organize a regional election or five would be more useful.
Anyone who hasn’t planed for this with an account on another service, at the very least like proton, kinda deserves whats coming due to the signs.
I’m no soothsayer and even I can see that Google is making enemies with governments, China, US, and Europe. You can survive one or two but not all three.
I literally spent my Friday night blocking Yiff communities.
That shit is like fucking hepes on here.
Nature is great in Idaho. It’s the people there that suck; bunch of Mormons, Far-Right Catholics, and Aryan Nation compounds. There’s a town named Athol we joke was named by a fellow with a lisp describing the residents.
If you want to enjoy the best that Idaho has to offer go to western Montana.
It really isn’t. The key flavor factor of Chocolate is it’s bitterness.
White Chocolate totally sacrifices this flavor profile. If you prefer white chocolate you like sugar, not chocolate.