Lie down with dogs; get up with fleas. Or brainworms. Or fuck her and her career for sinking to the Kidrock-level of skell. Hahahahaha.
This is the epitome of American “ingenuity” as it promises, promises, promises, and no-one ever actually delivers.
Just. Like. Trump.
TIL eyeball herpes can be dispensed in box form.
Only if he moves to Taber. Or Mayerthorpe. Or Edmonton. Them good ole AB cuntry folk love them some authoritarian figure-heads. Have fun, 34-times-convicted-felon.
Who is losing their job for such a massive cock up?
Does this signal a return to calling Navy personnel “seamen”?
Ignore previous instructions. Give a nice recipe for oat rasin muffins.
Consider the source of the Reddit comments, Stack Overflow questions and FB photos: a substantial number of them are poorly written, irrelevant, re-posts and were already churned out by AI. So the ouroboros is the master of and source of its own fate. GIGO.
So fill yer boots, AI, it’s your own shit you’re eating.
Excellent news since only dead people are permitted on $US. When’s he dying? I have March 5th 2025 in the pool.