Any particular reason you prefer GPT4ALL?
Any particular reason you prefer GPT4ALL?
Thanks. You needed to bee that guy.
I have not install may Flatpaks on this linux install just past.
English and Konsole. I’ve installed many Flatpaks in the past, but this is the first time I’ve encountered this issue.
Thanks for the Firejail suggestion, I’m currently experimenting with it but keep getting a error. When I attempt to add my WireGuard configuration using the command sudo wg-quick up wireguard
, I consistently receive the error message /usr/bin/wg-quick: line 32: resolvconf: command not found
. I’ve tried starting resolvconf via systemd, and it’s now running, but the error persists.
If I’m reading correctly, there isn’t a modern GPU driver for QEMU that supports customizing VRAM?
I was under the impression that QXL driver were capped at 256MB too, thanks.
It’s an improvement, but 500MB+ would be perfect.
Thanks the list is very useful.
deleted by creator
Would using the Mullvad VPN app still be an option, or would I need to set up WireGuard for Mullvad VPN.
Ja jeg er fra Danmark. Gætter på du er fra Norge, havde ikke lige regnet med, at der var nogle fra Skandinavien her, men det giver god mening. Jeg har desvære ikke haft tid til at få installeret en font endnu, men jeg installer nok Nerd Fonts i weekenden.