Have seen them in all of my regional banks in my area.
Have seen them in all of my regional banks in my area.
Pretty sure they can’t bundle it. AFAIK the libraries required for it ship with Chrome / Android and it’s not an open standard. The hacky weird workarounds are people brute forcing it.
Also a surface go 2 (and previously 1) owner and love it. Form factor is just right. If there are recommendations for other things of the same build quality but faster with better battery life I’m all ears. Don’t want to be gimped by an iOS tablet. Never had a problem with the hardware.
Chart is a little misleading starting at 7% instead of zero, but still a nice surge nevertheless.
Helpful, but not what I’m looking for personally. I want to be logged into the same account, just have groups of tabs related to different tasks I’m working on. Could be documentation for various frameworks or tooling related to whichever language I’m working on. Chrome had this and it worked great.
Finally. Have made the switch over to Firefox a few months ago and this almost made me switch back. I swap context a lot at work / home so being able to group (and minimize said group) tabs helps a lot.
Right after the introduction of additional advertising pricing structure. Wow
Firefox does not “send” it, fingerprinting is done by tagging your hardware configuration from various values and create a unique key from that - independent of being logged in or any cookies - which can be used to track you. Things like browser & device user agent, browser window size, feature support (to determine browser version), etc. All of which are passively gathered by anything you could send a request to. There are ways to reduce this that Firefox and others do (such as reducing unique values in user agent, etc) but they’re not opting in to some privacy invading reporting mechanism.
Very common tactic, unfortunately. “Rare” cars like highly sought new releases have always been hard to get a hold of, and people will manage to get the money together to make a quick buck.
Yes. Was just explaining what was available / suggested by OP. It’s definitely not the same as a DRM-free backup
If you then restore them into Steam, yes.
You can make backups of games through the backup and restore menu. I assume that’s what he means, unless he’s referring to the limited selection of Drm free games
Was running into the same previously. Putting my desktop to sleep only to find it waking up in the middle of the night, and for some reason not going back to sleep afterwards. I believe the solution for me previously was disabling wake timers. Hasn’t been an issue since. However this is a much larger issue on things like laptops where preventing sleep while in a backpack could lead to excessive heat generation. Infuriating that it’s forced by default
I’ve only had the assistant for a few years since moving into this house, but we selected Google Keep and still use it on a daily basis shared between my SO and I.
Is Ray Tracing and various DLSS features available out of the box now? Last I looked into it they were still a bit unstable / hackable to get properly setup if they worked at all.
The M series from Apple has singlehandedly convinced me ARM is the future. The battery life we get with the performance they provide is insane.
Curious if Proton-GE would solve these problems since they sound related-ish to video playback?
Edit: Seems to actually be crashing when the game first loads the 3D engine according to other comments. Still haven’t seen feedback on GE yet
That requires OEM unlocking (and therefore a wipe of the device, no?). ADB side loading can achieve the same without unlocking or sacrificing security
Tabs meaning the chrome-like article selection? I use it all the time, FWIW.