I can’t officially support this fork 😝
I can’t officially support this fork 😝
What if you don’t have a favorite programming language? I’m a firm believer that each language offers a specific set a features that makes each one uniquely suck and I often find myself at the crossroads of continuing to use this garbage or to learn a new language only to find it sucks in a different way. (/s another way of saying each language has its niche… (but sucks outside of it))
Google and Apple have different versions of maps depending on what your country recognizes.
For example, it will shows territories claimed by China as part of China for Chinese IP addresses, but may show them as independent territories for other countries that recognize them as such.
It’s probably more cost effective to run Azure Services on Linux machines than Windows machines.
Headline 3 years from now: “Huffing Steam Deck vent fumes linked to increased risk of cancer” (Only when done habitually)
Ads: “Have you or a loved one huffed Steam Deck fumes? You may be entitled to compensation.”
Valve: Goddamnit. You fucking addicts couldn’t stop huffing the vents. WE FUCKING TOLD YOU! It’s safe for normal usage. NORMAL usage. Not heroine addict levels of usage!
I was wondering how Signal handles this. Thanks for the info.
Phone makers: hmm this isn’t selling. Guess we’ll only make phones that look like and do the exact same things as every other phone.
Spouse at 7:00 AM: “Why do only some of the house lights work and there’s no hot water?”
Me: “You know that quick fix I was working on last night. Well, umm, one thing led to another aaaand… Umm… Just so you know, your phone is using mobile data because the wifi is out.”
Introducing the UHDLCSC portable charger (which it technically a battery you can attach via USB-C-iLightningSpec©)
In my first CS class, the professor announced an extra credit project due at the end of the semester. It was to create a formatted terminal calendar given a year from user input. I finished it after learning about condition but before I learned about classes… or functions… or loops… or searching the internet… partially. I searched how leap years worked, but didn’t bother to search for code (Stack Overflow didn’t exist yet)
Anyway, long ass program with each month hard-coded with 7 possible calendars for each month depending on the first day of the week. Lots of copy and paste. Professor was speechless, but accepted it.
Mazda’s Laputa translates to “the bitch” in Spanish.
There’s also Ford’s Probe…
But yeah ID.EVERY1 is a mediocre name.