blacklist hid_sensor_hub
Should fix your issues after a reboot
Reddit is dead, long live reddit.
blacklist hid_sensor_hub
Should fix your issues after a reboot
Inst sqlelectron similar enough?
Bohdi linux. smoll and beautiful. Used to run it on my eeepc 701
I guess it’s running a free ART implémentation? As Android runs on Linux there’s at least no kernel translation layer to do
If they start to target steamOS a a whole, we are so fucking back
It was named f-secure before.
Wat? Ventoy doesn’t flash isos, it boots from them
I just wish it had a real alternative. GRUB on USB doesnt support as much distros or windows.
I didnt like very much his video. “You need the terminal to install vlc” wait what ? Ubuntu software library is here…
Also he says he will migrate to davinci resolve once he needs to, but oh boy I’ve been seeing a lot of videos about resolve on Linux and how painful it is to use (missing codecs, no pipewire support, hates Wayland …)
Gaijing is Linux friendly overall. War thunder has a native linux port.
Not much of a progress this time.
Still waiting for zorin grid.
To be honest… Yes it’s that complicated. I’ve read that, Apparently valve had to spent massive ressource to figure out the load order of librairies and what to include for the steam runtime.
Granted, all they made is open source iirc. But it was a massive pita
Teach me how to know which process is hogging my memory or CPU, in less than 5 steps without htop?
Not sure. Paragon built a ntfs driver in the kernel but iirc they didn’t maintain it?
That sounds like you’re missing a fuse driver. IE if you didn’t have ntfd-3g back in the day, you could read NTFS but not write upon it.
Don’t they have like 1000+ customers that still haven’t received their crowdfunding orders?
I have the official deck dock and when you put the deck to sleep and wake up you can face :
Huh, then no idea