Fair enough 🙂 just have my own beef with streamio
Fair enough 🙂 just have my own beef with streamio
But it’s no popcorn time or streamio, no? it doesn’t force your preferred client to download in streaming mode, or start playing when available/immediately depending on speed
cloudflare stuff mainly and coupling to rrr friends is understandable but involved process. But compared to streamio, where you search for stuff, select versions and can watch immediately, it is more involved
prowlarr? kinda sorta, but no easy interface
Do you think decision not to arrest bibi and ship him to icc was made under trump orders?
what’s darkly hilarious, is they can’t be mined or they would already have, it’s just playing to trump “take the oil” lizard brain
ha, knew it.
(fuck billionaires though and lib brained newsrooms)
like why do you need email addresses? use temp mail for garbage registrations and two-three stationary emails which you remember for stuff which is linked anyway
So guess russians will have to maintain their own fork of the kernel, and do their stuff on it? 🤷 as I’ve understood, they are (mainly or wholly) driver maintainers for some russian hardware
when free & democratic country jails your ass one time
If you suspect you might have account (and you remember where it is), try account recovery by email in question to delete it later, you’ll either get bounced or get recovery email 🧐
bipartisanship 🥰
they should consult economists
maybe it is hdd sleep issue? it dumps file into ram, hdd idles, sleeps, laptop disconnects (due to some arcane parameter), it queries it, then it takes time to spin? does same thing happens if you actively do other stuff on hdd (opening/closing file every 2 min for example)?
remember when dems made fun of trump for “chi-na” stuff? good times
So like, where do they lose money?
Brave guy, although he shouldn’t be.
NYT continuing its tradition being shit.