Remember the magic meatball episode of Rocko’s modern life?
Remember the magic meatball episode of Rocko’s modern life?
Idk why anyone is surprised Amazon is deceitful lmao
They were pro hydrogen but I think they realized that ship has sailed and EVs are here to stay for now
I’m not sure if it’s just cause I have no account now, but if this is what they are pushing on new people then yikes. I knew the admins leaned right wing (ie forcing kotakuinaction to come back) but this is worse than I thought. I must have blocked a lot of it a while ago
There’s a bunch of transphobic and racist shit on the front page now, spez is probably loving it just like Elon
The change is real, there’s a bunch of news articles about it. I still wouldn’t click the link though and go to the website manually to change it
I think the more realistic way it would be handled is that the site you published your content on puts in its terms of service that you agree that stuff you put on their site can be used for AI training, and openAI buys the data from them, either via an API key or a data dump or whatever.
But I see merit in not allowing companies to profit off of whatever content already exists without any sort of consent. And I don’t agree with the idea it’s like a child learning… You aren’t raising a child to sell a subscription to their knowledge and profit off of it
I see these users constantly call for the removal of mods. Let them go the way of interestingasfuck, with mods forcefully removed by the admins and it is now desolate and closed to new submissions
Give the people what they want
And yes I will keep talking about reddit because I love drama. Give me better drama to talk about and I will move on
Record droughts
The end of the entire human race due to climate change
Before that, climate change destroying your house or access to food
I ordered some abortion pills last time this was threatened just in case. $150 but worth it over getting pregnant and being forced to carry it