Also from the “European” recommendations, Vivaldi is Chromium, and Mullvad is Tor, which is Firefox.
Also from the “European” recommendations, Vivaldi is Chromium, and Mullvad is Tor, which is Firefox.
I have not tested them on the Deck, but the We Were Here series of games is great two-player puzzle-solving fun. At least the latest titles are Deck-verified, not sure about the older ones. You can play them in any order you wish - although I’d leave Forever as the last one to be played.
It Takes Two is another brilliant two-player adventure puzzle game. Only one person needs to buy it, the other can download the friend pass to play (although you cannot get achievements without buying the game).
Patric Breyer usually posts in German. The UK flag in the tweet is just to indicate the language of the tweet.
Just finished the visual novel ISLAND, read on the Deck for the most part.
Next in line would be finally continuing with Pocket Mirror. Afterwards, looking forward to buying Dredge.
I went to Japan earlier this year. Filled the travel related paperwork online in advance, and at the border they took fingerprints, compared face to passport (which I assume included a photo) and that was it. Not any different from any other developed country.
I dislike ads as much as the next person, and find uBlock Origin necessary for browsing the web, but the cold fact is that the internet is run with advertising, whether you like it or not.
If that is done without creating a profile on me, and without crippling the reading/viewing experience, I can tolerate advertisement.
I assume this is also an action towards becoming independent from Google funding; which is a good thing.
Cool!! What are you baking?
I’m so glad Valve did not give in to the tech-number-nerds who want 2K resolution on tiny screens, saves so much battery life.
I’m always advocating for Signal, but I’m worried for the time their billionaire-backing eventually runs out.
Can you disable the app and download another gallery from F-Droid?
I’m done fiddling with software and want stuff that works without much hassle. Unraid is super easy, I am in the process of building a home server with it, similar setup to OP.
I plan on moving my media files to the server through my LAN via FreeFileSync.
Usually the only things locked behind an application are custom equalisation, and modifiable earphone buttons. You probably can even uninstall it after you’re happy with the above settings.
Waiting for phone manufacturers to integrate physical camera covers like on new laptops.
OP is already using one based on the post text.
While not open source, Here WeGo is also an alternative to Google. I think Here may be more focused on driving.
Functional multiplayer next?
Probably because it was developed by a different company, and is completely different from the three Flatout games by Bugbear.
With bank transfers I am referring to services like Paytrail/Klarna where you authenticate with your bank, and choose which account the sum is taken from.
I think bank transfers are more popular in Northern Europe. I only use a credit card if I want additional buyer protection / insurance from my bank.
Luckily geocaching is still a thing!