Fuck trump and his supporters. Traitors, every last one of you that still support this fascist shit.
Fuck trump and his supporters. Traitors, every last one of you that still support this fascist shit.
I agree with most of what you said except I don’t expect companies to turn good. They don’t do good or evil, they do profit by whatever means. It’s intrinsic!
I’d like to help build some shit, got any recommendations? I can do the type type beep boop as long as that neural net is left out. Fuck that black box shit. I think it is the real reason for the shit algorithms these days. Which leads me to my next point. I get the exact same results from Kagi as I do from DDG. They are identical >90% of the time. Kagi does provide features that are worth paying for but I want better results, they existed before.
Once upon a time I could search for something incredibly specific and find an obscure forum with the answer. These days all I get, even with Kagi is the same results from SEO optimized garbage to AI generated dribble.
I really do not understand why Kagi is so promoted here. I really have not found it to be any better.
I’d really like it if we stopped blaming the corporation and start blaming the people that make the decisions there and the people that implement those decisions. From the CEO’s to the programmers. Put their names everywhere, show the world who actually ruined it. Google was the best resource humanity had to access information. Now, more often than not, I can not find anything related to my search. The search algorithm they used 20 years ago was better than this new junk.
There is a video from CGP Grey titled Humans Need Not Apply that is extremely relevant. It was posted 9 years ago. It’s a great video, I highly recommend everyone check it out.
Most of what you typed is reductio ad absurdum and I will not entertain it.
To the part that is not I will say that yes I do apply the same standard to any business or employees that uses their size to to enshittify. It’s called Right Livelihood and if more people lived by it we would not have the current problems with mega corps.
In that situation I would view the person as self serving. Doing something to improve one’s own situation at the expense of others is not conducive to a good society. I care more about the group than one friend in a tough situation. I liken it to the trolly problem.
If that engineer is coding that they should not be appreciated. They are part of the problem. I don’t care about the pay or the status of being a facebook engineer. I really don’t respect any engineer that has worked for any of the FAANG companies. Those fuckers sold out their morals the second they typed the first character of the first line of code while employed there.
I wonder how long until facebook adds it to their surveillance stack.
I bet they sold your info to cambridge analytica for a bit more than that.
Thanks for your comment. Those are some useful features that I would not have known about otherwise. I’ll give it another try.
I tried the 100 free searches from Kagi and compared the results to DDG. In almost every search the results were the same. Even the order. I think the real benefit to Kagi is the lack of ads and tracking, tha’s all.
I think the real reason search sucks these days is the AI they put between you and what your looking for. It’s no longer searching for what you typed, it’s searching for what it thinks you want.
It ends when we eat our corporate overlords. I look forward to sprinkling Torgo’s Executive Powder on my favorite dish.
I think the probability of the cops catching you using a net launcher is too high.
I think a diy directional emp would be a better choice. https://techlinkcenter.org/news/heres-the-armys-now-patented-emp-rifle-attachment-for-taking-out-small-drones#!
For the more technically inclined, I would imagine something like a software defined radio with a powerful transmitter could take control of the drone and go park it in the Hudson.
I’m pretty sure all of these options are highly illegal. So this is just for informational purposes only. :)
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