Albania and Azerbaijan have worked for me.
Albania and Azerbaijan have worked for me.
I am already paying for proton vpn for other reasons and connecting to other countries that don’t allow ads seems to work. It even works on NVIDIA media player and I might even assume Apple TV. I just lost my premium today so yeah
Edit. Just noticed this is a self hosted sub, I’ll just leave this in case someone needs the info but otherwise I’ll delete
It does. I have it running on my machine, just add demix as the indexer and download client
I’ve been playing with this and am wondering if you know how to log specific medicine like Tylenol and stuff like that.
I would also add that in public trackers you can download your file and close your torrent client and not share it back and therefore be selfish in just getting what you want tihiut sharing back to the pirate community
I too use duplicacy. I am just worried one day I can’t start the server and I’m stuck without access to duplicacy. What would be the solution? Try to get the folder from the appdata and point a new docker container to it?
Im not completely sure if you’re setup but I will add that for the docker container you should take a look at qbinhex qbittorent which contains qbittorent, vpn, and a kill switch. I have used this since my migration to https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn/
Hmm I guess I did. Thanks for letting me know
Agreed. Formula 1, soccer football, MMA, random PPVs is the main stuff I watch on my IPtv.
Look up prowlarr
This is what worked for me. Put your deck on desktop mode and from there go to the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar and connect them from there. If you can’t see your AirPods restart the deck on desktop mode. Once connected obviously switch back to regular mode. This worked for me, I had tried all the tricks I saw
Hahah i was laughing when I saw it
Well that’s weird, why would my keyboard type BBC lol. It was supposed to say changing the hdmi wire I updated the original comment 🧐
I actually was able to initially solve it by changing the hdmi wire and worked perfectly each time I turned it on. Unfortunately it just started doing the same issue yeaterday
I jus got it and this was pretty good. It’s nice to have games to just relax
Which vibration sensor do you use? I have one but it’s not very accurate.