This is a really great ELI5 explanation of how Usenet filesharing works technically, nice!
This is a really great ELI5 explanation of how Usenet filesharing works technically, nice!
Have a look at my German Usenet beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide
Let me know if you need any further help
For all German speakers I have a beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide
I also use a Hetzner Storagebox for my Jellyfin instance, I mount it via SMB. Works great.
For German stuff there is xrel.to
Usenet is the secret for German stuff. I have a German beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide
This looks great! Does it have support for multiple regions/languages like Overseerr?
I can give you info about a provider that offers full F1 TV access for 20-30€/year, I’ve been using it for a few years now. It’s great and you can easily stream it on any device. Send me a DM if you want more info
You might want to have a look at Usenet. Yes, it costs money but it’s such a premium experience compared to torrents and you don’t have to care about seeding etc at all
Just having a Jellyfin instance for family and friends. I have everything in h264 for maximum compatibility to avoid transcoding. All 12 seasons of Bones (2005) take up 800GB alone for example. A 1080P Remux movie takes 10-40GB
Really depends on your usage. I have a few Terrabytes of Usenet traffic every month so I’m glad I don’t have to use block accounts for that
Radarr/Sonarr can’t handle multiple versions of the same movie/episode, so a lot of people have a second instance for 4K movies (so they can have both a 1080p and a 4K version of the same movie). Also if you have a lot of anime it can be worth it to have a Sonarr instance configured just for that
They can work with other languages, but it can take a while to find a correct setup
fileleechers is a board and not an indexer though right? So you can’t add it to Sonarr and Radarr
Feel free to correct me, I don’t know a lot about them since they are invite only
I mixed up ombi and emby, sorry.
Whoops, I always mix up emby and ombi since I don’t use either of them. My bad!
Pick one: Ombi / Overseerr / Jellyserr
edit: fixed Ombi misspelling
If you are looking for German (or German + English dual language) content it can be very hard to find stuff on public torrent trackers and it’s pretty hard to get onto private German trackers - but don’t worry, there is a solution:
Usenet and the indexer sceneNZBs.com that specialises in German releases have got you covered!
If you want to automate the search for German Dual Language content using Radarr/Sonarr I made a guide (that also works for torrents too): https://github.com/PCJones/radarr-sonarr-german-dual-language
Short answer: no
Long answer: yes, but they are basically useless. Except for some indexers that cost money but also have a free plan where you are capped at like 5 downloads per day.
May I ask what I should look for in the log files to detect this (and so I can configure fail2ban correctly)?