You have not made any point at all. Your first reply to me entirely ignored the point of my post which you did not read followed with an attack, I reply pointing out you ignored the whole point of my post and just attacked me without actually respond to it, and now you respond again with literally nothing of substance at all just saying “you’re wrong! touch grass! word salad!”
You have nothing of substance to say, nothing to contribute to the discussion. You are either a complete troll trying to rile me up, or you just have a weird emotional attachment to this topic and felt an emotional need to respond and attack me prior to actually thinking up a coherent thing to criticize me on. Didn’t your momma ever teach you that “if you have nothing positive or constructive to say, don’t say anything at all”? Learn some manners, boy. Blocked.
I always think articles like this are incredibly stupid, honestly. Political parties exist to push a particular ideology, not to win elections. If the communist party abandoned communism and became a neonazi party to win the election, and they did succeed in winning, did the communist party really “win”? Not really. If you have to abandon your ideology to win then you did not win.
It’s pretty rare for parties to actually abandon their ideology like that. The job of a political party is not to merely win, but to convince the population that their ideology is superior so people will back them. They want to win, yes, but under the conditions that they have won because the people back their message so that they can implement it.
This is why I always find it incredibly stupid when I see all these articles and progressive political commentators saying that the Democrats are a stupid party for not shifting their rhetoric to be more pro-working class, to be anti-imperialist, etc. THE DEMOCRATS ARE NOT A WORKING CLASS PARTY. It would in fact be incredibly stupid for them to shift to be more left because doing so would abandon their values. The Democrats’ values are billionaires, free market capitalism, and imperialism. These are not “stupid” decisions they’re making for supporting these things, THESE ARE THE FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF THE PARTY.
In normal countries if you dislike a party’s ideology, you support a different party. But Americans have this weird fantasy that Democrats should just be “reasonable” and entirely abandon their core values to back their own values, and so they refuse to ever back a different party because of this ridiculous delusion. Whenever the Democrats fail to adopt working-class values, they run these stupid headlines saying the Democrats are being “unreasonable” or “stupid” or have “bad strategy” or are “incompetents” or whatever and “just don’t want to fight.”
Literally none of that is true. The Democrats are extremely fierce fighters when it comes to defending imperialism and the freedoms of billionaires. They aren’t fighting for your values because those are not their values, and so you should back a different party.