It’s saying that it doesn’t match the job-seekers profile, ie seeker does not meet requirement
It’s saying that it doesn’t match the job-seekers profile, ie seeker does not meet requirement
I wonder if it would take more or less time with auto-complete.
Maybe just an awkward sales agent, or they thought you were mad at them for in their mind trying to help. I decline phone number and zip code all the time. Also been using someone else’s phone number at grocery stores for years – started by mistake. I don’t care about accumulated points or whatever but discounts at grocery store are pretty significant for me.
But I understand your frustration in general. Keep up the good fight :)
This may not be the best advice, but it is what I did for a project that was required to have these statements. There are online templates and services that will create and host your terms and data privacy policy for free, with upgrades of you want more customized wording. The format is clunky and in my case allowed for more data collection than the app would ever actually do because I did not pay to customize it, but it serves the purpose. Termsfeed.com privacypolicygenerator.com You could just generate one to see the general idea and then customize it yourself if you don’t need the hosting.
Used to be considered simply prudent to back up the vhs tapes you bought and people were encouraged to tape their favorite shows off the tv. Now some random CEO of the month has the right to bury decades worth of creative works?
When you can’t be the winningest. It’s like giving yourself an A for effort.
We need orphan technology program like for orphan drugs. I can’t imagine it would be very costly to keep this one woman’s device running, but it does take someone somewhere being responsible for it.
Yeah, I hadn’t heard of it, but it looks really cool. Gonna have to try that out.
I use osmand on Android. Bit of a leaning curve to start as you need to download the maps you want and set up features, but then it is available offline as well and can include topographical and trails or other data if you’re not just traveling in cities.
The quote/decision from the organization is a year old and presumably what the vote was hoping to overturn. The article confuses by telling the story backward.
In spite of the tabloid level headline, this article says he was white house neurologist since 2012, continuous, and visited Obama 10 times in his first year at the post. Visits to Trump were not disclosed.
Oh. I don’t know anything about this. Is it weird for an app to be pulled from all of these sites? Do they have a way for the original developer to take it down if they want or some kind of flagging? Does your new phone have a higher Android build, maybe the site checks somehow to match with the right version and then fails? Wild guesses
But the fact that so many stores have dropped it recently, though it’s clear they once had it, may mean something, idk.
Amazing article, thank you. Sets out clearly how we got here and what is at stake.
So is original phishing supposed to be over the phone? Like it’s the email game called emishing or something?
At the least it should have a prominent “for entertainment purposes only”, except it fails that purpose, too
Thanks, I understand the problem with using memory after it’s been freed and possibly access it changed by another part of the process. I guess I was confused by the double free explanation I read, which didn’t really say how it could be exploited, but I think you are right it still needs to be accessed later by the original program, which would not happen in Rust.
Thank you, that is very clear.
Landlords are always complaining how hard it is to evict bad tenants or screen new ones, but the way they are willing to ditch long term tenants to chase a few bucks makes clear they are not taking their share of the risk. The long term tenant they already know should be more valuable. In fact, though, I think most of them are just bad at business and think the rules should help them succeed anyway.