gets called out for making untrue assumptions about the US based on clickbait headlines
retorts with more info scraped from clickbait headlines
Yanks sure are shtyoopid innit bruv
gets called out for making untrue assumptions about the US based on clickbait headlines
retorts with more info scraped from clickbait headlines
Yanks sure are shtyoopid innit bruv
Y’know, that’s a fair point. I don’t necessarily agree, I’m not that in tune with most websites’ designs, but for someone who actively works on them I can see how you might look at things a little differently.
That was my takeaway.
THeSe mOroNs dOnT knOw What ThEYre dOIng! WHo thOUgHT thIs wAs a GooD IDeA?!
Probably the hundreds of focus groups that were behind the decision shrug
Are you able to show us an example of what you’re talking about? I genuinely cannot picture a situation where this would be remotely as bad as some of y’all are making it out to be, how do you design a website in such a way that very slightly chamfered edges completely ruins the look?
I mean you can like or dislike it of course but are you really complaining about a viewport 20 square pixels smaller than normal
What the hell are you on dude? Someone literally is just trying to have a discussion with you on a public forum you posted in, how are they trying to drag you ham fisted in to a debate by simply replying to your comment? Someone’s gwumpy…
I haven’t read it in a while, but I kind of took the genetic engineering as a metaphor for being forced into the role/ class the ruling body wants you to be in
Don’t ask a mother duck how she got pregnant and this illusion will stay intact
I have a pyramid of Truly Lemonade cans maybe 5 or 6 tiers tall. If someone reminds me I’ll post it when I get home. Prepare to meet your better
lhd and mph. Very Bri’ish indeed.
Does it really make someone an “asshole” for just pulling up until their tire hits something? Feel like this is something 95% of people would do without realizing it until they got out and saw the sidewalk.
Like do you guys really think these people are intentionally blocking the path or something?
Only if they represented you in the case of Chuck Norris and his Cowboy Ass vs. The Crotch of Indiana Jones.
I’m ramming something up my ass right now
You’ve made a single post on the Fediverse and you’re in here chirping off about the content that you see? Maybe don’t bitch about things others are enjoying while you contribute nothing
You did a great job at reading the whole comment before sticking your foot in your mouth.
Your phone probably has the same resolution or aspect ratio as the OP, and the image is just taking up your entire screen the way it did for OP when they screenshot it. The actual image is two giant black squares on top and bottom of the meme.
It doesn’t really matter where you live. It’s really about the design of the home. A shower in a tiny cheap house in the projects will likely get warm faster than a shower in a fancy giant house, where the hot water heater is stored 2 floors below the shower.
Yup, they’re little handheld units. Some are vacuums, some are blowers, some let you toggle between the two. Just search up “PC cleaning vacuum” and you’ll see what I’m saying.
I’ve heard that blowers are safer to use on PCs than vacuums, as using a vacuum can create static electricity, which computers don’t like. I can’t verify the validity of that, though.
They’re literally just cans of air. Just find whatever you can get the most of for the least amount of money. Or buy one of those handheld vacuum/ blowers, more expensive than canned air but you’ll never need to buy it again and it’s better for the environment.
Umm… no they don’t? You need a password to unlock it after restarting it but you absolutely can turn the phone off without a password. I’m on my 3rd Samsung device and have never entered a password to shut any of them off.