It does just work for normal users.
Normies use the installed os. Just install a browser and office suite, thats all the need and care about.
It does just work for normal users.
Normies use the installed os. Just install a browser and office suite, thats all the need and care about.
How is spam filtering compared to gmail.
Afraid to switch as gmail spam filtering is excellent
I don’t think a OS should ever be LESS open about what a user can do.
I feel blessed when a user can find the power on button.
all of a sudden we’re saying it should’ve been more like Apple?
Nope, all I am saying is care should scale with adoption.
“With great power comes great responsibility”
Much, much more care should have being taken by all parties.
Microsoft should not have given kernel access to crowdstrike. Crowdstrike should not have being able to push a killing update.
Edit: Hindsight is 20 20
We are a small medical practice. It would cost approx $15k in batteries to give us about 3 operating hours. Not economically viable.
But do you think something like an airport would have enough diesel capacity to contiune operating in a power out?
All economic numbers are bullshit
Imho. We are too laissez faire about our dependence on computers.
Currently doing disaster planning for compliance. What I really want to put in the docs is “If power or internet goes down we are just fucked. No planning needed. “
4070 class GPU & total 120w tdp would be the desktop endgame setup for me.
I would love to go just for the star wars experience
You don’t need a mail server to send emails
Use an smtp smart host like smtp2go
Does it scan for Kaspersky?
Case in point
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
Not available in Australia
Last time i forgot and the phone connected to “aeromobile”. Would have cost me a packet if i had left roaming data on
I want one. The only thing stopping me is current server has ecc
Back in the day, it was the cheapest way to get a company online. I built a slakware server with sendmail and squid on our isdn line
I think its a brother thing. Brother printers also work automatically on linux (fedora at least)
I thought fstrim gets run weekly on modern distros?
kiss (keep it simple )
rclone will do all that cli. Just write a simple script. Write once, run many.
Take the time to learn rclone cli and it will simplify everything
24h2 is now a forced upgrade