Well, I guess here response should be to forward all her bills to the pension administrator, such as mortgage, utilities, groceries, petro, etc. If she’s dead, then why should be paying for items that only the “living” enjoys?
Well, I guess here response should be to forward all her bills to the pension administrator, such as mortgage, utilities, groceries, petro, etc. If she’s dead, then why should be paying for items that only the “living” enjoys?
I went to grad school in the USA. I bought the international version of a few books that were going to be used in class (knew beforehand that the recommended lectures weren’t written by any faculty member at such a university), but that didn’t stop the professor from going aggressive and saying that my books were banned from the classroom because they aren’t the USA version. When I told the professor what the difference was between me buying a text book for $15 instead of $200 and a Fortune 500 outsourcing entire departments instead of hiring USA employees?
Interestingly, my books weren’t an issue. Yes, I gambled being publicly labeled as a troublemaker in my engineering department (probably I was labeled privately within faculty members).
Now you will say, but I god-like smurt (smart), I wunt (won’t) download this, ofviously (obviously).
AI as A1 steak sauce or AL as Alabama?
Was this through the Google store, Google Fi, or carrier? If I’m not mistaken, I bought my phone through the Google store.
Nevermind. I just got the green tint screen again. I guess I’ll have to contact Google and see how I can proceed and return this device. I have around one more month under warranty.
I was going to say the same thing. I was on Android 14 beta and when I was using Netflix, my screen turned green. I restarted the phone and it was fixed. Used the phone for days no issue, I started using Netflix and green again. Now I’m using stable android 14 and as for now, I haven’t experienced this when using Netflix
Imagine picking a gas station based on your car model…
In school, when you sign the sign-in sheet with your handwriting, then with your other hand in order to cover for your buddy.
Car software already updated.
Fixed some bugs
Credit card needed to operate the vehicle. Car owners may experience fees related to vehicle door usage
Nah, you didn’t give us admin privileges. You just forced them to call you that way.
I’m more interested in how they will troubleshoot and perform preventative maintenance to the battery, since halides are quite toxic.
That tells you of Elon’s brain surface roughness
That may be. I don’t tend to have years worth of text messages on my phone. When there’s something important that I need evidence of, either I take screenshots and email the conversation to myself. I participate on Android betas, which has resulted in several factory resets.
Do you mean the search functionality on the Messages app? If that’s the case, it works for me. I just tested the word tornado, it displayed 4 different contacts that I have texted that word. If I click a contact it will send me to where that word is and even highlighted it
https://www.phonearena.com/news/irs-hangs-up-on-callers-using-this-pixel-feature_id142033#:~:text=Incredible feature%2C but when it,using "Hold for Me."