Every weekend should be a three-day weekend.
I don’t have any strong feelings about Teams. It just is what it is. It’s a chat app for work, like it’s just there to spy on me and keep me in contact with co-workers. It’s whatever. Of all the things I think about in the day, Teams is not one of them.
X will likely merge with TruthSocial as the defacto Conservative/Right-wing social media site (named something dumb like “XTruthXSocialX”), while BlueSky will become the defacto Liberal social media site.
It sounds like a weird sort of backdoor religious movement, like they’re taking vows of chastity or something. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not being pushed by Conservatives themselves. Sure, go ahead and ignore Conservative men, they deserve it, but taking a vow of chastity is kind of weird.
I went out with my kids and we went to a few houses actually that had lights on outside and inside, told my kids to go to the door and knock, waited a minute or so, and nothing. This was maybe half-a-dozen houses, so it’s not always a given that just knocking on the door will get results. The new “normal” is that people are either waiting outside to hand out candy or they’re leaving bowls out for kids to help themselves. Knocking on the door for trick or treating is a crapshoot and it’d be understandable why most kids will skip that. Compared to other houses, it’s more effort for potentially no reward, or, even if there is a reward, it’s the same as every other house.
If I ever get a robot with titties, I’m just going to be playing with those all day long, don’t even care about how good the AI is.
Ahh, yes, what better way to push the country leftward than by letting the rightwing fascists come to power.
We’ll have a big environmental 9/11 moment where a major American city becomes permanently uninhabitable and then there will alot of handwringing about “What could we have done!?” Then we’ll start getting lukewarm serious about it for maybe a few years, but by that point it’s way too late.
I really want to like AI, I’d love to have an intelligent AI assistant or something, but I just struggle to find any uses for it outside of some really niche cases or for basic brainstorming tasks. Otherwise, it just feels like alot of work for very little benefit or results that I can’t even trust or use.
And that last 1/3rd person is the one actually spewing it.
He should take a photograph of it, then he could copyright that.
I’ve worked for companies that would leave it up to chance without a second thought. I’ve known people that worked there and Amazon doesn’t seem like it cares about its employees. Does it make sense? No, but there’s alot about corporate America that’s pretty dumb.
That was probably the intent. It works as a soft layoff. Do something wildly unpopular, knowing that a bunch of employees will quit. The ones left will pick up the slack, because obviously if they had anywhere else to go they would’ve left with the first group.
Was it parasitic? I used it for playing music off of Youtube and it would let me put the screen to sleep and keep playing the music? Did it get enshittifed or is it just that it provided a way around Youtube Premium? I haven’t actually used it in ages, though it still seems to work, it opened up at least.
Nah man 😂😂😂, we’re just your biggest fans!
And I’m sure whoever put it there faced way more harsher penalties than a certain someone who willfully hid highly classified documents in his bathroom for months and lied about it to investigators.
Do you mean “radio”? Because I’m pretty sure that’s already a thing.
“I knew I got there too late, but they didn’t even acknowledge me to tell me what I already knew and which was completely obvious due to the locked door and lack of acknowledgement. How rude!”
Ok, so they produced at least one, we know that for sure.
On one level, I sympathize with companies like Nintendo, I don’t want to, BUT companies are supposed to make efforts to protect their IP or they run the risk of losing those exclusive protections when it matters later on (abandonment). So if they want to continue their IP rights, they’re supposed to defend it against anything that comes along. I still don’t like it, but I kind of understand why they have to do it.
Granted, I think they could come up with some sort of licensing terms that would made it easy for solo developers to still develop small-time projects to encourage people to create these one-off labors of love, similar to what alot of TTRPG developers do, but for whatever reason, they go the hardball approach, which just creates bad feelings in the community.