For people who pirate HBO service products, no changes, your lifetime subscription to piracy is still valid.
Damn right it is.
For people who pirate HBO service products, no changes, your lifetime subscription to piracy is still valid.
Damn right it is.
That doesn’t explain why poor people are conservatives.
Because poor conservatives are trained to enjoy being fucked over. They believe in the “faith” of their party, as long as they get to “stick it to the libs”.
The poor conservatives do not benefit from any of this, even when they do oppress. We’re seeing this firsthand right now.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
Let’s say what it really is: The in-groups are the rich, who can afford the lawyers, corruption, bribery to make the law protect them, and use those same tools to keep it from binding them. The out-groups are everybody else, who cannot afford those same tools.
Once we simplify the equation on both sides, we get:
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition: To protect the rich and fuck over the poor."
That’s it. That’s all that matters.
“Didn’t watch the video” seems to be a popular sentiment, considering the content of some of these replies.
Too many people trying to answer the question of the title, instead of actually watching the video and seeing what he has to say about it.
Louis Rossmann shouts this from the YouTube rooftops all the time. Why not Randall?
Nobody needed a description that borders on erotica fiction.
This is unique; it’s not quite following the same script as Nazi Germany, where Hitler was relatively young and still had the same mental faculties he always did (even if those faculties were twisted).
Don’t get it wrong: Hitler was fucking stupid. Not quite on Trump’s level, but he was extremely arrogant, pushed his shitty book during his reign just to earn a lot of money, didn’t listen to his generals, and got the people around him so scared of bad opinions that they all turned into Yes Men.
All you need in this world to achieve power is overconfidence and enough money to enchant a following.
The good news is that you aren’t missing much because Vox videos and articles are a mile wide, and an inch deep.
They already know the Supreme Court is too slow. By the time it lands on their desk, the damage was already done a long time ago.
Totally, man. That’s why the funding freeze was reversed in less than 24 hours after a lawsuit was filed.
You think no damage has taken place? We’re in a thread where FOIA admitted that most of its staff has been laid off. They are trying to get rid of as many departments as they can.
Throughout all of this, I want you to understand one thing: It is easier to destroy than it is to create!
Things can be destroyed instantly. It takes no time to fire an entire department and wipe away centuries of institutional knowledge. It doesn’t matter if a lawsuit for a few of these managed to piece through the smoldering ruins and rescue what they could.
Trump himself even had a hard time trying to “unfire” a bunch of nuclear weapons workers.
You need to turn off the TV, stop doomscrolling, breathe, and maybe watch some alternative media.
Stop assuming what I do and don’t do. You aren’t me, you don’t know who I am, what my political trappings are, and what my habits are.
You may need to start.
Open your eyes. All of this behavior is unprecedented. You can’t just reference previous years and expect to be a guide.
Congress is too busy shitting its pants, while filling out the paperwork to do so, to matter. I think this opinion piece put it best:
And so we find ourselves in the absurd position where Democratic leadership, in the form of Jeffries and Schumer, treats an ongoing coup like an inconvenient scheduling conflict. Their response to democracy’s crisis amounts to little more than checking Robert’s Rules of Order to see if authoritarianism requires a two-thirds majority.
While Rome burns, they’re busy drafting strongly-worded letters to the arsonists, pausing only to scold the citizens who dare suggest using the fire extinguishers. Their position would be merely comedic if it weren’t so catastrophically dangerous—like watching someone respond to a home invasion by suggesting the burglar fill out a visitor’s form.
There is more power in being a billionaire than there is with being in a position of government. Trump is a useful idiot, but even he didn’t actually want to win the (first) election. He wanted the fame, and wanted to continue pushing this idea of “well, if I won then…”, as its own media circuit and tours. Instead, he actually won, and it disappointed him.
Elon doesn’t want to be a government employee permanently. He wants to be there just long enough that he can siphon the nation’s money into his pockets.
The real power is in wealth, because the government is powerless.
Clinton, Dubya, Obama, and Trump all went into office with Congress and lost it at the mid-terms, and as we saw with the Muslim ban,
Lost what at the mid-terms? Congress? You think he needs Congress to do all of this shit? Have you been paying attention?
There is no rule-of-law. No structure to these systems. It’s just pure defiance at whatever “social norms” are holding this house of cards together.
Nobody is putting up a reasonable fight with these EOs, so they just happen. Elon just wanders into government buildings and systems without criminal charges. No police action. No hard punishments.
And whatever fighting back is occurring in the courts, where we will never see a settlement before the courts themselves get dismantled before our eyes.
We’re fucked. Stop using past history as a guide.
All these firings are likely going to result in classaction lawsuits, and the judiciary (so far) has been very responsive to Trump’s power grabs. You’ll recall they shut him down on DOGE’s Treasury incursion, birthright citizenship, and the funding freeze. (Among others)
Yeah, good luck with that in 2-4 years, when those lawsuits pan out. And then they get appealed to the Supreme Court, where the GOP-majority lapdogs say “yessir” and rule in favor of chaos.
We couldn’t even get Trump convicted of criminal charges in time. What makes you think the judiciary is going to save us?
I think at this point, it’s all of the government. If it can be privatized, why wouldn’t they push to eliminate that sector of the government and then install their own corporate entities?
“I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” — Grover Norquist
That was 25 years ago. It’s always been their plan. They want to dismantle democracy and replace it with a corporatocracy, oligarchy, or similar authoritarian structure.
Ex-stripper, so yes.
Kanye West has no business talking about his swag.
I know spelling is hard sometimes, but JFC.
No, I’m arguing that people shouldn’t be so fucking allergic to watching videos on this damn forum.
The what? You do realize it’s just some guy with 73 subscribers. He’s not getting paid billions of dollars.
At this point, everything involving Trump and Musk are Not the Onion material.