It’s short for Terms of Service.
It’s short for Terms of Service.
Are you talking about archinstall or have they actually automated the default installation method?
Do yourself a favour and install it on a virtual machine first. Screwing up an install on Arch is frighteningly easy. The Arch Wiki is your friend, use it. Also, read the installation instructions before you begin the installation, not during. If this sounds like too much of a headache (understandably so), then give EndeavourOS a whirl.
And we should care what this man says…why exactly?
What’s the third logo? I recognize the rest, but not the rotated blue G or whatever it is.
Alternate title: executive director of Europol Catherine De Bolleshit doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.
Well, they have their work cut out for them.
Yeah, it’s normal. There are so many flavours of Linux out there, why wouldn’t you want to try some of them?
That’s what I’m thinking. Either that, or the pie thrower was someone who was affected by original Enron’s bullshit way back when and wanted some kind of satisfaction.
The founder’s shady history with OpenFeint, their entire privacy policy and shit like this, take your pick. Wikipedia also has an entire section dedicated to Discord’s controversies. No matter how you look at it, Discord has a great many shortcomings.
Tell me about it. Now they’re just Steam Key Reseller #46498.
Agreed. First-past-the-post voting system has to go.
lol, that is so unnecessary.
Hm, didn’t know about that. By the way, what is the word that is showing up as removed?
Seriously. Didn’t they make billions last year? That number should be much, much higher for Zuck & Co. to actually start giving a fuck.
What’s wrong with Newpipe?
And mine. And probably everyone else’s since the only banking app I can find on F-Droid is something called Varengold.
Check out mister Mainstream over here. The rest of us snooty OS connoisseurs use Collapse OS.
Um, no.