It’s 7 billion parameters big.
It’s 7 billion parameters big.
I don’t think Mexico and Cuba are usually considered to be part of Central America, right?
Some features/plugins can be quite taxing on the system and in extreme cases it can slow the editor down to the point of being unusable. I’m a happy Neovim user with a LazyVim setup, but I experience this extreme slowdown for some JSON files and I haven’t looked into it yet to see what causes it.
You can let your editor do the same compute intensive or memory hogging things that a GUI editor does. The fact that it runs in your terminal doesn’t make it lightweight by definition.
I can’t reproduce this in the web app at https://vger.app/. All settings icons have a colored circle around them.
I’ve been using it for the past 4 years and it has been rock solid for me. I use the oisd list with some of the overlapping security lists disabled and it just works. I never get complaints from family members either. It’s enabled on my home network, iOS/MacOS/Linux devices and in Tailscale.
It’s off by default, but activated when you end your search query with a question mark. That option can be turned off.
But 2K and 4K do refer to the horizontal resolution. There’s more than one resolution that’s referred to as 2K, for example 2048 x 1080 DCI 2K, but also 1920 x 1080 full HD, since it’s also almost 2000 pixels wide. The total number of pixels is in the millions, not thousands.
For 4K some common resolutions are 4096 x 2160 DCI 4K and 3840 x 2160 UHD, which both have a horizontal resolution of about 4000 pixels.
That’s not as effective, since it can’t block anything that’s hosted from a hostname that also serves regular content without also blocking the regular content. It also can’t trick websites into thinking that nothing is blocked and it can’t apply cosmetic rules. I use it for my devices, but in browsers I supplement it with uBlock Origin (or whatever is available in that browser).
I’m not going to defend Apple’s profit maximization strategy here, but I disagree. Most people won’t end up buying a cable and adaptare because they already have one, and in contrast to those pieces made of plastic and metal, the packaging is mostly made of paper. I’m pretty confident that the reduction in plastic and metal makes up for the extra packaging that’s produced for the minority that does buy a cable and/or adapter.
Telegram’s “privacy” is fully based on people trusting them not to share their data - to which Telegram has full access - with anyone. Well, apart from the optional E2EE “secret chat” option with non-standard encryption methods that can only be used for one on one conversations. If it were an actual privacy app, like Signal, they could’ve cooperated with authorities without giving away chat contents and nobody would’ve been arrested. I’m a Telegram user myself and I from a usability standpoint I really like it, but let’s be realistic here: for data safety I would pick another option.
I would look into how Matrix handles this, for example. It involves unique device keys, device verification from a trusted device, and cross-signing. It’s not just some private key that’s spread around to random new devices where you lose track of.
They’ve implemented it in such a way that you only have access to an encrypted chat on a single device, so no syncing between devices. Syncing E2EE chats across devices is more difficult to pull off, but it’s definitely possible and other services do that by default.
“Uncensored”: https://x.com/KarlMaxxer/status/1823753493783699901. I don’t know if this is really true, but if it is, it’s something that they should’ve called out in their article.
Right, I see what you mean now. I misread your comment as explaining something that was already clear.
A false positive is when it incorrectly determines that a human written text is written by AI. While a detection rate of 99.9% sounds impressive, it’s not very reliable if it comes with a false positive rate of 20%.
“Our analysis shows that the two voices are similar but likely not identical,” Berisha said.
They also point out the main differences between the two voices in the paragraphs below this quote. I do believe that they hired a voice actress and that they didn’t train on SJ’s voice, or at least not entirely. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was big push for finding a voice similar to SJ’s voice in Her, no matter how much they deny this.
For me they only work in relatively quiet environments, or with earplugs. As soon as a car drives by it completely drowns out the sound. With music that might not be an issue, but with podcasts or calls it’s very annoying. I’ve bought earplugs especially for this, as my other earbuds have issues with wind while running, but it does feel like it’s defeating the purpose a bit. I guess turning them all the way up would also work, but that doesn’t feel healthy. Other than that I like them and the mic quality is also good according to people I’ve spoken with over the phone.
It is, though. Safari has native support for 3rd party adblockers, it’s just that many people don’t know. AdGuard is one of the good options. Safari is doing the actual blocking for the most part (the extension just hands over the filterlists), but nowadays some of the adblockers include an optional extension that applies some rules for complex ads that are not supported by the Apple API, such as on YouTube. As an end user you just have to install and enable the adblocker.
Then there are also other browsers available with built-in adblockers. Admittedly those are all limited in some ways because they’re forced to use the same browser engine (outside of the EU), but they are very effective at blocking ads.
I’m not sure, it depends on your configuration and blocking list. I don’t use native tracking protection, and my blocklist (oisd) prioritizes functionality over blocking, so in my case everything just works and I don’t have anything special added to my whitelist. I don’t like DNS blocking to be in the way and I also share my configuration with some family members, so that’s why I’ve made this choice, but if you prefer a stricter approach you might have to do some whitelisting.
I use the OISD list for family members and I haven’t received a single complaint in years.