Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I’m even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I’m even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
Could you elaborate on the advantages, I’m using wayland and steam for games, no issues so far.
Check your journald and/or make your script log it’s actions.
Script > ~/script.log
According to the Arch Wiki you need to place the .desktop file in:
You also need to add the following line to the .desktop file:
But that’s probably the hard way to do it, I think the settings panel should also have a Startup Application tab.
What are you using as a Desktop Environment? Certain with DEs the Autostart programs need to be added in the config file.
I know, right? I’m human like you and totally not a dog
I mean surely it could be a lie but they just took away a PS5 from a kid…
Crazy Taxi: The Movie!
Use Ninite to install everything, will make your life easier
I think you have gotten a lot of good answers so my 2 cents are. Install something simple like Ubuntu and try it out. Getting the answers to your questions will not give you the “feel” of using a linux system. Once you start you will begin to have more answers and a lot more questions, specifically in the areas you are interested in.
Also check the Arch wiki, it is really good for any distro because it gives a good reference for configurations.
Industry groups argued that those museums didn’t have “appropriate safeguards” to prevent users from distributing the games once they had them in hand.
So libraries are also illegal? Books, DVDs, VHS, CDS, etc. You can replace games with any of those.
But they will have a mean onion dip recipe
I mean they don’t understand SW, Licenses and Git. It’s all out there now…
Just like digg back then after they switched the format.
Reddit keeps forgetting they depend on the users, including the mods.
I’m curious now, what’s a NZ English word that’s unique to NZ?
And yes, there is no system wide spell check, but I think windows/macos also don’t have this.
The only system I know with system wide spell check are smartphones.
Linux Mint with Mate +1
Linux in general has good language support.
I like that now games try to fitt within the capabilities of handhelds, which I see as a win-win situation. Games focused on gameplay rather than aesthetics and better optimization for games.