Did Compaq also start as an acquisition from a completely unrelated industry?Tandy was a leather goods company that purchased a hobby electronics chain, and started selling PC’s.
Did Compaq also start as an acquisition from a completely unrelated industry?Tandy was a leather goods company that purchased a hobby electronics chain, and started selling PC’s.
That is quite blatantly a take on Tandy, a leather company getting into the co.puter business.
That’s why I use a B&W Lazer printer, and have dedicated prosumer Canon photo printer for the few times I need color prints.
In the words of Stringer Bell “Your not taking notes on a motherfucking conspiracy are you?”
Or, and hear me out here, get an old dell i3, and a couple 6tb hdd to run unraid, with the arr’s and plex in dockers. Then decide that’s not enough storage, so you get some 8tb drives. Then decide you need some mote space, and you might as well upgrade the chip. Plus you need a GPU to transcode, and the Dell won’t support that. So now you’ve got a fractal Define R5, Asus MOBO, Nvidia GPU, i5, 8 14tb hdd, 2 more 14 tb hdd’s for parity, 2 120gb ssd’s for cache, and noctua fans to keep the noise down. So what I’m saying is I might have a problem.
I had one of those for a couple years. I replaced it with a yolink garage door controller as I was trying to get everything into one ecosystem. Pretty happy with it so far.
Look into setting up Mail in a Box. Hosted on a server (I use digital ocean) your own domain name, as many users as you want. https://mailinabox.email/
I use an Asus 86RU running Asus-Merlin. It ticks all of your boxes.
My preference is pineapple, ham, and jalapeños. You get that spicy-salty-sweet-greasy-carb thing going, and it is AWESOME. I call it a Tex-waiian pizza.
Isn’t there a flow switch? Mine has a Flow Switch as a safety feature that came with the cell. While I understand what you are trying to do, it is not safe for you or the equipment. If the cell has been on any significant amount of time with no flow, you have likely damaged it. See this Article
I’m not sure how I would do that. What sort of application would I use? Postgres doesn’t have a webui to log in through. So not sure how else I could test it.
Followed that guide. Got redis and postgresql14 installed. When installing immich I get an error in the log that says "error:password authentication failed for user “postgres”. I’ve trirled every combination of changing password, no passwords whatever. It never works.
Yes, but the Readme says it requires postgresql14 or 15 external. I don’t see how to set that up. I usually go through the app store that is included in unraid. Usually there are good guides but I don’t see one for this.
I use Mail in a Box running on a digital Ocean instance for like 12 USD a month.
Look for spaceinvaderone on YT. He has great tutorials for almost everything. One note of caution, the Unraid UI has evolved, so some things ma look different.
I also run Unraid with Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr and Overseer running as dockers. Its a great system.
You can contact Stripe at the link to let them know about the company they are associating with.