Am definitely human.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I would recommend you visit as they have reviews of a great many distros over a long period. That would prepare you to form an opinion on what kind of experience you want to have.

    Example - UI, ie. Desktop Environment: chose Gnome if you like Apples way of making things very polished and giving the user few (visible) options to tinker. Choose KDE if you like a “busy” UI with *all* the options exposed and a ton of desktop widgets. Choose MATE or LXDE if you like a snappy and minimalist approach.

    Possibly the biggest differentiator between distros is their native package manager. You can take any distro and swap out eg. KDE for Gnome, but the package manager is fundamental and probably(?) impossible to replace fully.

    Example: All the Debian based distros use DEB packages. You’ll find a ton, though dine distros lag behind the most recent versions. Others use Redhat’s RPM system, while still others build everything from source (which is slow as fuck but gets you to the cutting edge with all the knobs and dials). There’s also the Snap and Flatpak systems which strive to supply platform agnostic packages, but do so with very different approaches.

    Good luck!

  • I’m just running a pain Linux with the MATE desktop, with increased sizes of mouse cursor and UI elements.

    The big thing is using VLC with a wireless keyboard, and using a white sharpie on the keycaps to show the quite customised VLC shortcuts.

    It’s been years since I tried Kodi et al, and I always found the actual media playback to be lacking some customisation (eg. audio or subtitle timing offsets).

    In lieu of a media database, I simply mark the movie folders with file emblems when I’ve watched a movie or episode (VLC keeps track of partial viewings, resuming where it left off).

  • I haven’t seen Our Groceries listed yet. I don’t know Grocy so I don’t know how this one compares, bells-wise, but it’s pretty straightforward, you can share a list with any number of users, and manage/add/edit/remove lists and items via a web app or mobile app.

    I’ve sent the devs more than one feature suggestion / bug report, and they were impressively responsive and forthcoming.

  • I’m not an artist, I just need the occasional hack job or screenshot annotation.

    I loved the simple programs (this love stems from all the way back to MacPaint v1.0) and MS Paint has largely been ok for me apart from its lack of png support and only 90° rotations.

    On Linux, Pinta has been fantastic but these last few years it got increasingly more crashy, to the point where it will now consistently crash within 10 seconds or two clicks, regardless of Linux distro / laptop/pc / version of Pinta. (insert “whyyyyy” meme here)

    I’ve tried Krita, but it’s simply too much. Don’t even want to try installing Gimp. I am sad.