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Ich verstehe das du deine Geschichte teilen möchtest, aber eine Gruppe für Technologie ist nicht ganz der richtige Platz.
I hate this timeline.
A website that gives you a different album to listen to everyday following the Book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.
This is the UK and not the US.
Cats in europe are far, far less at risk or a risk to the environment then in the US and outdoor cats are not at all a problem.
A cat being run over is rare. Being shot, poisoned or killed by a coyote or other wildlife quite unheard of. And they don’t pose any significant thread to local wildlife.
Americans created that dangerous and deadly invironment for animals themselves. That doesn’t mean that the whole world has to lock up or leash their cats.
I didn’t even realise. Thank you for pointing it out, I fixed it.
So this is how the end of humany starts. Fungi with robot bodies…
Like this, just more spores then arms and legs…
The archive isn’t completely dead with that yet. There is still a lot of free domain stuff and private uploads on there. A lot of public records too.
And I think you can’t just randomly buy a .org domain, can you? You have to be officially a nonprofit.
I remember for example couchsurfing had to change from a .org to .com when their tax exempt status was rejected by the irs and they went for profit.
Ah, I see you got that all wrong.
Open IA AI uses that content to generate billions in profit on the backs of The People. The Internet Archive just does it for the good of The People.
We can’t have that. “Good for The People” is not how the economy works, pal. We need profit and exploitation for the world to work…
Sam Altman lurking around…
Hp is the evil incarnate in printers.
I didn’t want to say ‘no’ when my dad offered to buy a new printer for me, but boy, do I hate that thing.
It doesn’t do shit if I’m not logged into my hp account and online. And obviously for countless other reasons too many to list here.
Sorry this isn’t helpful, but everything is better then hp.
As a nurse I find it very problematic that they could force her to have brain surgery to retrieve their property.
It might be understandable that they turn it off or stopp support, if it was experimental and the device didn’t pass the necessary aprovals.
But forcing her to have an invasive procedure on her brain with so many dangerous risks. This should be illegal.
I used LinkedIn very briefly 10 years ago, when I moved back from abroad. I haven’t logged in for at least 9 years and actually lost the access. I still get emails from them. I can even unsubscribe without reseting my password und regaining access of my account.
I mark them all as spam.
He didn’t shut down advertisers, he shut down an organisation for best practices in advertising.
Wiki World Federation of Advertisers
WFA’s aim is to champion effective and sustainable marketing communications worldwide. …
…WFA formed the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), a global cross-industry alliance which aims to improve digital safety and eliminate harmful online content…The alliance has introduced guidelines concerning misinformation and new standards on ad placements…
…WFA is a founding member of the Unstereotype Alliance, UN Women’s flagship partnership with the marketing industry to eradicate harmful gender stereotypes in advertising…It is also a founding member of the Coalition for Better Ads, a cross-industry initiative to improve consumers’ experience with online advertising.
WFA holds Global Marketer Week, a series of events bringing together brand marketers to learn about the latest public affairs issues and best practice in marketing.
I wasn’t aware you can sue your customers when they decide to not give you their business anymore.
Imagine Walmart suing people, because they shop somewhere else now. Or your plumber because you called someone else to unclog your toilet.
It doesn’t sound like Musk is suing them because they broke any contracts, just that several big advertiser spoke to each other and decided not to renew contracts because of rising antisemitism, hate speach and fake news.
I mean, I tell people for 30 years not to buy Nestlé products because of their disregard for human rights. Can Nestlé now sue me too?
products must last for as long as a reasonable consumer would expect them to last (for example, 10 years for a large appliance like a fridge),
I never heard about anything like this in the EU. If my fridge or washing machine breaks after 2 years and 1 week I have no legal claim towards the manufacturer.
Actually most big electronic retailers try to sell you additional warranty with the product you buy. So you pay extra to extend warranty to 5 years.
I like the Australian aproach better, though.
The mandatory warranty for any product in the EU is 2 years. It doesn’t take into account products like cars that you would expect to be usable for 10+ years.
I doubt you could claim anything in the EU either after more than 2 years.
I’m not an expert on this, if there are some regulations I didnt take into account, please correct me.
Why exactly?
If a EU regulation was at fault, only systems in the EU should’ve been affected. There would be no reason to adhere to complicated EU rules everywhere else globally.
This doesn’t add up. They need to find a more believable fall guy.
Oh no! You exposed me as a non native English speaker. What will I do now?
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