Banning vpns is an authoritarian move for a country. No matter which country.
Banning vpns is an authoritarian move for a country. No matter which country.
You could try this: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/klassy
I don’t think it’ll need breeze to build but it does need breeze-icons. Idk if breeze-icons needs breeze Edit: nvm u need plasma installed for it :(
I read through the comments and can’t see the aggression you talk about.
deleted by creator
I’m pirating because its free, I guess that makes me an asshole.
I assumed you were on KDE since the dev who wrote the blog post was talking about KDE Wayland but are you on gnome? Gnome"s fractional scaling implementation isn’t as good as KDE’s.
In display settings check the box to allow x11 apps to scale themselves instead of the compositor. Your cursor will still be blurry but the app content itself will be fine. A few apps like steam won’t scale without some kind of launch flag though.
Assuming this is college, requiring students to pay for software is part of the norm.
Landlords are leeches. They make people pay for a basic human right.
I’m glad I could help.
You probably have xdg-desktop-portal-kde installed and enabled. Try installing xdg-desktop-gnome and remove the KDE one and see if it makes a difference in launch times.
Edit: I’d also reboot afterwards
Wait it doesn’t support RCS? Isn’t google the one heavily pushing RCS?
Those repackages of libreoffice packages are actually official.
These versions are free software (as in open source) but there’s a small charge to cover the effort of putting software in the app stores, and to help develop the software (and build our communities).
Where is here? You never said where you’re talking about.