So he hasn’t confessed and you just believe what law enforcement and the media says?
Nah fuck that he’s innocent.
So he hasn’t confessed and you just believe what law enforcement and the media says?
Nah fuck that he’s innocent.
I was not aware he confessed and can’t find anything saying he did. Do you have a source confirming he’s confessed?
He pled not guilty, it really is that simple.
Innocent until proven guilty.
nothing would change in the world.
It depends on a lot of factors but an argument could be made that things would improve.
Give them drug tests to make sure they aren’t getting ripped off.
Really? I loved Vegas and can’t wait to go back. Full disclosure though I’m not really a gambler and we didn’t hit the casinos at all but there’s some really cool stuff in that area.
unless you’ve worked in my field, which I can say with near certainty you haven’t, then you haven’t seen, witnessed, or experienced the things I have
I’ll bite, what field are you in?
Just like people whose knee-jerk reaction is to blame an entire race!
Piss off racist, religion is blind.
Yep, the major difference between fireworks and an IED is how fast the charge burns.
There is, it’s called fireworks and not IEDs.
Captain Praxis, fighting the good fight from their basement. Lecturing in theory with no idea how to apply the theory to real life!
Mom: We have cold war at home.
He didn’t do shit except tell people not to wear a mask and to shine a light up their asses.
Do you actually not remember 2020?
I legitimately know a woman who’s divorcing her husband, finding out he was a Trump supporter was the final straw. They’ve been in a rough spot for the last year or so, he doesn’t cook/clean at all.
She was going to leave him a year ago but tried to make it work, finding out he was a secret Trumper sealed the deal for her.
The body is Rottweiler-sized, segmented into overlapping hard plates like those of a rhinoceros. The legs are long, curled way up to deliver power, like a cheetah’s. It must be the tail that makes people refer to it as a Rat Thing, because that’s the only ratlike part - incredibly long and flexible.
The grass under the Rat Thing is beginning to smoke.
“Careful. Supposedly they have really nasty isotopes inside,” Hiro says behind her… “A radioactive substance that makes heat. That’s its energy source.”
“How do you turn it off?”
“You don’t. It keeps making heat until it melts.”
The body converges to a sharp nose. In the front it bends down sharply, and there is a black canopy, raked sharply like the windshield of a fighter plane. If the Rat Thing has eyes, this is where it looks out.
As part of Mr. Lee’s good neighbor policy, all Rat Things are programmed never to break the sound barrier in a populated area. But Fido’s in too much of a hurry to worry about the good neighbor policy. Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise.
That already happened to like 90% of us thanks to the same cultists.
This is hilarious, I feel like there are better ways to show kids the horrors of imprisonment than telling them “you don’t get to pick your value meal.”