He did make 64000 dollars in those 10 months though so people will probably still use that as a talking point to claim homeless people are just too lazy
He did make 64000 dollars in those 10 months though so people will probably still use that as a talking point to claim homeless people are just too lazy
Okay but the penguins do make sense, right? Penguins are like the mascot of linux
Where exactly is their company going? I’ve only ever heard good things about them
The woman’s hand in the back looks weird.
Yup, my android tablet is the only device I own (unless you count my smart tv) where I don’t use Firefox. At least there’s kiwi so you can have a tablet interface and still be able to install addons
Huh? I only know copyleft, what are those?
I’m typing this from an unrooted xiaomi phone with lineage for microg where I can use banking apps. The only downside is having to connect to a computer every time I install an update.
I have switched from manjaro to endeavouros about a month ago. I definitely prefer endeavouros. However, the kernel install GUI in manjaro was nice, made it very easy to get an overview of the available kernels and which ones are still getting support.
I mean, even if alien sightings were real you would expect them to correlate with population density. Fewer people means fewer people that can spot aliens.
What are those premium features? I never felt like I was missing something from the free bitwarden
Just so you see it, on android at least I can recommend drip which is open source and also keeps your data local. It’s available on fdroid: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.drip/
For a little while I was like this. Turns out, this may work for cotton and synthetic fabrics, but don’t do this for organic fabrics such as silk or wool.
Lauf nur! Wir werden dich finden…
Yeah the fork is really new so I get why it seems that way. A tankie is a person who is a left wing authoritarian, to the point that they support Russia (I guess because of udssr history?) and china. Lemmy’s main developers fall under that spectrum and one of the largest lemmy instances before the whole reddit api thing went down was lemmygrad.ml, where you get banned if you dare criticise the CCP. Thankfully most instances are deferedated from it.
It’s a fork of lemmur, which has been around for quite a long time but whose development was stopped earlier this year because its developers didn’t want to be associated with tankies.
Imagine being so insecure that you won’t use an app because the name isn’t manly enough. (Although to be fair i am also using liftoff atm because it was the open source app that worked the best last time I tried them all)
Yes, you were. The comment you responded to was asking whether coloured printing is all that necessary in response to someone saying that while b&w laser printers may be cheap, colour ones aren’t.
True, the native app for Android TV also has some issues with certain audio codecs although I believe it does have subtitle selection. I had the luxury of being able to choose a TV specifically for gaming as well as Jellyfin so getting one with android TV was a nobrainer and I am happily using Kodi now. Let’s hope the native apps mature enough to make them feasible alternatives :)
If you read the article you find that he didn’t actually sell furniture, he got people on Facebook marketplace to pay him money for the privilege of collecting free furniture from Craigslist. It’s a really shitty scheme