The sentence about overpaid athletes is even dumber. Sure they’re paid well, some of them, because of all the money their sports are earning. The owners are paid much much better. Anyone who’s more mad at the athletes than the owners is an idiot.
The sentence about overpaid athletes is even dumber. Sure they’re paid well, some of them, because of all the money their sports are earning. The owners are paid much much better. Anyone who’s more mad at the athletes than the owners is an idiot.
Sounds like fraud to me
Sock bath!
Man that third one was such a mess too. I don’t understand how they fucked up so bad.
He’s doing it solely because he knows it somewhat popular, thus he won’t get as much pushback when he commits this incredibly illegal overreach.
Just a giant handout to Wall Street basically. Also a perfect way to put a bullet in the heart of Wall Street reform movements. Can’t fix a broken system if you’re profiting off of it.
I mean those personal stores on Reddit are all made up
Two Mass murdering Nazis and the Boston Bomber. I’m not really for the death penalty either, I am however for hanging Nazis. So you know win some lose some
Seriously, 6% is overwhelming now?
I mean he is here publicly supporting Trump so…
Maybe you shouldn’t be doing that. Maybe your birthday is not so special that you should use it when it’s a well and widely known symbol of Nazism. Frankly it’s a little hard for me to buy these days.
You say it doesn’t match that other users opinion, but doesn’t it not match the vast majority of proton users opinions? Authoritarians aren’t usually big on personal privacy. So praising one when you run a company based upon privacy is a dumb idea. It would be like running a vegan food company and praising people who like Slaughter cattle. It’s a stupid fucking mindset. Which says a lot of things to me about his capacity as a CEO frankly. If he’s this dumb why should people trust them to run a business they frequent?
I mean, yeah that’s not inaccurate.
Because there’s a time limit on it. It had to have been ratified in a certain amount of time.
Well that does sound like the kind of naive mindset Democrats might have. Thinking that if they establish guidelines and rules Republicans will abide by them. Thinking that they won’t just completely 180 whenever it’s convenient.
What compensation? He said that he only gave him enough money to pay for the food. If I give you $10 and say go buy me $10 of something there’s no compensation.
If there had been a primary she wouldn’t have had a chance at winning. They didn’t have one specifically because of that fact.