Would love something like this for field notes, though for my uses a eink screen would be preferable. Hopefully this or the equivalent takes off and we can start getting fun variables in the future!
Would love something like this for field notes, though for my uses a eink screen would be preferable. Hopefully this or the equivalent takes off and we can start getting fun variables in the future!
They just released a gatcha-style pokemon TCG for mobile a month ago, and they’ve released a bunch of them previously based on most of their big IPs. They focus those on mobile instead of their consoles is the only difference.
This isn’t a young person problem and it isn’t new, it’s just getting worse. See Fox news on Trump 8 years ago or more through now
And when there is money it’s often earmarked in ways that severely restrict its use for, e.g., paying for software
Make one then coward
*all new cars
Look, I’m with you most of the way in theory, but a lot of rural areas don’t have plumbing and drinking water from public utilities, they have their own septic and water wells. I know it’s pedantic but a lot of parts of the world are so rural that it probably doesn’t make sense to have fully public transport, like it doesn’t make sense to have centralized water. The scope needs to be great systems within towns and cities and lots of park and ride hubs around the perimeter
I don’t buy it, tbh. I’ve been hearing some variant of “Tesla isn’t growing more and the stock is overvalued” or in the last five years “Musk is an idiot and is going to tank the stock” since I started paying attention to the markets circa 2012. Musk is a fascist piece of shit, but he does have some quality–and it may just be having more money than God and thus having a sort of wealth inertia–that keeps the stock merrily tripping its way upwards. I bought three shares several years ago on a whim, and between the upward growth and the stock splits I’ve sold my initial investment amount 3x already and could sell it three more times today and still have Tesla stock leftover
The other factor not yet mentioned is charging time/range. There are EVs with more range, and EVs with faster charging times, and EVs that are cheaper, but there are no EVs with a comparable long-range driving ability as Teslas for less money. The Hyundai ioniq 6 is comparable now but it’s new, untested, and doesn’t really have a used market
Depending on what you’re trying to avoid, even 18 year old cars had OnStar gps that could in theory always track you unfortunately
A lot of advanced analytical tools in biotech at least are developed to be compute cluster compatible, and thus work best on unix-like CLI, e.g. Linux (or Mac with a bit of tinkering)
For many of those years it was the only electric pickup truck being advertised. And also, yes people do like the Tesla name. Musk and growing competition has done a ton to tank the reputation lately, but until just a couple years ago Tesla was far and away the best and most advanced electric car, and depending on your criteria the most advanced/best car period. Perception shifts slowly outside of well-informed groups, and the Musk hate is really only affecting well-informed left wing groups right now, so a lot of libertarian Musk fanboys are still fully on the Tesla train
Because companies mostly don’t want the degree to prove skill sets, which is why they don’t generally ask for transcripts, just that you have a degree in a somewhat related field. The value of a bachelor’s degree to a company is that it proves the applicant is capable of undertaking a ~4 year commitment, achieving a tangible result, and that they pass a threshold competence at navigating beaurocracies and interacting with other humans. The specific skills/experience the company wants are much better assessed using prior experience, interviews, assessments, etc.
Aldi in the US always gives me the option at checkout to pay later, I’ve never explored it to find out the fine print
Tariffs in general aren’t inherently bad if they protect domestic interests, especially against a foreign power that is subsidizing production as part of an economic power play. If Trump had limited his tariffs to China and Russia not included all of our allies I would have agreed with him. If we didn’t desperately need more EVs and if US automakers weren’t such colossal assholes about making good cheap EVs I’d agree with this one
As I understood it, VPNs don’t work in this threat model because it’s essentially routing traffic through a compromised router before it ever reaches the VPN, so the VPN acts normally but there’s a snooper before you ever connect to it
https://freesewing.org/ has somewhat limited patterns but they’re flexible and a really cool project!
The point is that iPhone users are locked into (or strongly penalized for not using) Apple services like Apple wallet and storage and other apple devices like apple watches or earbuds, rather than competing openly. My partner has an iPhone and the hoops we have to jump through to get some–not all–google photos, Fitbit, and Klipsch headphones features working is mindboggling. Apple watches also straight up wouldn’t work without another apple devices to phone home to last I checked. That’s the anticompetitive lawsuit
“We need you to stop making a good product forcing your customers to only use your version so your customers can finally move away from it.”
Fixed it. Non-apple watches, for instance, can’t use GPS from an iPhone or cause it to emit sound to local lost phones, despite being previously able to, demonstrating no technical limitations just a walled-garden limitation
At least you didn’t spend $40k for the privilege