He’s got that ol’ New York City Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Blues again, momma!
He’s got that ol’ New York City Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Blues again, momma!
In the past week on YouTube, on channels about math and physics, I started getting a constant bombardment of online casino ads. The predatory enshittification is intense anywhere you look.
Having been hooked on cocaine and then implicitly or explicitly equating it with weed, sounds like some sort of internal “reefer madness” 24 hour movie-thon playing in his head.
Pants one or two waist sizes larger than you typically wear, with suspenders.
Fuck russia for making me feel indifferent about a drought, for making me feel like they deserve it.
No website clicks to the murdoch cancer new york post from me.
Well that was a spectacular read in your link, keep calling attention to it, 'cause it’s gonna be a constant drip-drip-drip of people finding out. I didn’t know, but starting today, I’m gonna experiment with SearXNG as my primary search engine, see how that goes!
I’d be on a Toast, eating Boat… or wait… is that the other way around?
Toat Boast.
There, now that’s better.
Oh no, those bastards are much worse, actively and openly embracing the toxic message of the racist ignorant right-wing.
The real question is - who is amoral/cynical enough to have kept on advertising on twifter after the toxic owner showed his true colors with the policy regressions over a year ago already?
The problem with this corrosive, inflexible conservative narrative, is that these joyless assholes try and impose themselves politically and on everybody.
It’s curious, but in my mind these types of mathematical or logical visualizations are the sheep I count, trying to sense the deeper flow and patterns where the emergent oddities even out.
That’s when I know I will soon fall fast asleep, when my mind starts getting abstract.
For these mouth-breathers, “'Murica! Freeeedum!” means:
Whatever lazy, angry, ignorant, all-viscera-no-brains image I cooked up while living alone and bitter in a neglected and crumbling old house with a few “KEEP OUT!”/“TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT” signs around the goddamned perimeter.
Their tiny little minds live in a tiny, narrow and flat, miserable little world. And here’s the kicker - that’s the way they want it, out of sheer lazy inertia.
You call that “thinking”? There is no “thinking”. Doesn’t matter what these shitheads pump out, it’s a mental sewage circlejerk that changes every two minutes, reality is meaningless, trying to keep track and “correcting” them is truly a soul-sucking fool’s errand, meant to keep the “correctors” always reacting, never on the initiative.
Oh… I once also tested a normcore look at The Grove!
Also, no one paid any attention to me.
I’m waiting for my combination AI/blockchain/cordless blender, so I can’t even use it because it had a brainfart while trying to make an NFT of my smoothie, dropped its’ internet connection and now it won’t even charge.
Imagine how barren and bland the inner lives of these people must be.
It works like a cautionary tale. One of them “there but for the grace of God go I” type of deals.
It became the norm when all those bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe lazy mediocre idiots enabled republicans into office by not voting in elections.
Nothing of value gets done, nothing of value can get done, when these non-voting idiots keep on allowing republican pigs to take the entire nation on a petulant, ignorant, reckless joyride.
Then when Democrats don’t have enough time in power to clean up the mess - all the while being undermined and sabotaged by republicans in a slight minority, consumed by rage at not being the dominant party - the idiots shoot everybody in the foot, including themselves, with their mediocre, myopic mantra… yOu SeE? bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe
Predictable and flat, like cartoon characters, utterly unintelligent. As much a product of the educational system as their batshit #maga next door neighbor.
Don’t forget millions upon millions of low-information, low-empathy voters and non-voters who let it happen, many who still lazily believe that corporations are our friends, that “what’s good for walmart and Exxon is good for 'Murica”, that they are still the client and not the product, and the far-reaching implications of this.
Try and control those rabidly ignorant bigots you force-fed with anti-science, anti-reason raw red meat, let’s see how that goes.
This is 'Murica! Muh freehdum!