Indeed, the article was written with Backblaze B2 as the S3-compatible storage used.
Indeed, the article was written with Backblaze B2 as the S3-compatible storage used.
Not a lawyer, but there are lots of intricacies to this. You can own a trademark without having it be a registered trademark. Registration is expensive and then you are expected to actively defend use of your trademark. Be prepared to pay lawyers to send cease-and-desist letters to parties using your trademark for financial profit. Not to mention you have to be/become a business engaging in interstate commerce using this trademark.
dedsec doesn’t appear to be a registered trademark in the US at this time.
edit: added the word registered
I appreciate your question, it is nice to see things from a different perspective. My generator is definitely a luxury that hopefully can remain off. Most utilities focus on uptime and this generator ad is a weird cash grab by preying on people’s fear. My local natural gas company did a similar thing where they strongly encouraged us to buy buried pipe damage coverage through them. If a pipe is damaged on your property then you have to pay a contractor to fix it.
American suburbia is an odd thing. The core metro is usually well planned and stays online due to buried cables. However, a lot of old suburbs were built with overhead lines. Then expansion never slowed down and the cities grew around the old suburbs. Many of the modern suburbs now have underground power, but even they may be fed by overhead poles outside the community. However, other parts of America could be different where they have hurricanes or earthquakes regularly.
Not frequently, but weather extremes and natural disasters do cause outages. I was without power for a couple weeks after a tornado came through my neighborhood. Now I own a generator.
Do you have an auxiliary power connector hooked up to the HBA? Here is the manual.
It’s a shame that Mythbusters isn’t around to turn this into a shark week special. I’m pretty sure the myth would be busted and the only risk would be of the batteries catching fire after the shark bites one.
you’ve never had 3am Waffle House chocolate milk?
Molex MicroFit 3.0 are my gold standard for general purpose low voltage connectors. I buy from an electronics distributor (Digikey or Mouser) and crimp my own connectors. However, I did find a listing on Amazon for pre-crimped jumper wires and connector housings.
Modular ports would be great. I’d love to have two USB ports on a phone rather than a USB and headphone jack.
The easiest hack for testing airflow is to burn an incense stick and see where the smoke goes.
Good luck! Hate that you are having to deal with this.
You may have luck with a slow (5W) charger according to the comments here.
Did you try putting your deck temporarily into Battery Storage Mode?
Snapraid to a single drive works well if you are fine with daily snapshots of up to 6 drives.
no clue, mine doesn’t seem to vibrate. just one of the things that popped up when I searched for why they used to warn against it. was hoping to get a “back in my day” comment explaining why.
Great setup! I’ve heard that it is best practice to keep a little distance between servers/drives and the UPS just to be safe from vibrations or EMI. Does anyone know if this is still something to worry about?
RCS was a dumpster fire for years. Only in the past couple of years has Google stepped up to be the centralized force in making it work as envisioned.
quick edit to say I agree this could’ve been avoided if Apple had made iMessage for Android, but I just wanted to point out the blame is shared by poor implementation across the board.