20s ADHDer, queer af, 🌱, she/her
Certified Zoomer.
Arch btw
Supposed radical vegan extremist. Kinda based waow.
The experimental wayland support is looking pretty cool. Looks like there’s been quite a bit of progress towards it in this release.
Seems to be back right now! It’s in read-only though
While I like the dark mode theming for the UI, the map is super washed out now and a lot harder to read. Hopefully there will be a toggle for this so I can go back to the old theme 🤞
.leaflet-tile {
filter: contrast(100%)!important;
Edit2: This css seems to bring the map tiles back to normal
.leaflet-tile-container, .mapkey-table-entry td:first-child > * {
filter: none !important;
What I find really cool is that you can look at each individual ballot here. Lots of people didn’t fully fill it out and only voted for a few candidates, but quite a few people completed it as well
That release is quite out of date. See this issue
Some more context on community openstreetmap. Apparently the reason for the DDOS was to make a quick buck :/
You’re not alone. This isn’t normal and you’re not crazy for not wanting to be spied on just for making the mistake of going outside and walking past someone’s house.
This antimeme has hurt my soul
There is no help that can save me for I cannot exit vim.
Vim takes yet another victim. Now I’m stuck in eternal damnation, never able to close the damn thing.
This is so ridiculous, I fucking love it. I just have waybar bound to a hotkey, but this solution is truly amazing
Ah, thanks for clearing that up!
I rent a domain from namesilo
Kitty, because I like cats and GPU go brrrr
I love btop because of how fancy the graphs look and it also shows disk utilisation. I use it pretty much wherever I can. When I want something more simple I use bottom btm --basic
and alias it to top
Linux can use filesystems other than ext4 for root. Using NTFS is probably not the best idea, but it might be do-able?
I just changed the PKGBUILD to use codeberg. Should be live now
My matrix should be on my lemmy user page and I’ve just stared your repo on codeberg. I’m gonna watch it and I should get notified whenever a new release happens
Hi, I maintain the AUR package. Didn’t know the repo got moved to codeberg! If you could let me know when the deb is released that would be great, I’ll be able to update it then :)
Gets linked to a reddit post with someone having the exact same bug as me.
Comment 1: This comment has been deleted because of Reddit’s api change, here is a link to lemmy lol
Updates: It should be operational as of tonight. OSM are switching to their new ISP.