So I cant put my own backpack in the cart? I have to use a cart, no baskets allowed?
Like the self-checkout registers with built in scales, this only inconveniences everyone while barely stopping any theft…
So I cant put my own backpack in the cart? I have to use a cart, no baskets allowed?
Like the self-checkout registers with built in scales, this only inconveniences everyone while barely stopping any theft…
I would if they were more durable, easier to repair and cheaper…
Ironically they still have a small phone
Wait, dwarf is fine? I would have thought dwarf would be more offensive then the other one.
Plus with good cops you’d rather have them one too many times then one too few.
Yeah, but when they arrived. Like no need to check her Id if she looks old enough.
Springer is the publisher of Bild and Welt (among others) , two major German papers (Bild is the biggest in Germany).
Especially Bild is known for its right wing populist tendencies
There is honestly a lot more I could put here. In Germany the Bild is well known as a populist right wing paper. It is not exactly new either. A famous quote from the Punk-Rock song ‘Lasse Redn’ (2008) when describing the papers content is “Angst Hass Titten und der Wetterbericht” (fear, hate, tits and the weather). The common hastag when talking about them in left-leaning circles is #haltdiefresseBild (shut up Bild). There even is a Browser extension dedicated to block all Springer owned or published products.
While some of its other papers seem more nuanced at fist glance, they often push similar narratives packaged for their respective audiences.
Fyi politico is owned by Springer who are partially responsible for the German shift to the (far) right.
Unless you’re talking to an Afd voter , then they’re next week ;)
Btw, you can embedd the image like that:

It will look like that:
Would you prefere
$ curl xyz
$ chmod +x xyz
$ ./xyz
Is the reception in the fridge still reliable?
I have the ikea ones (using zigbee), the two aaa batteries in there last about 1/2-1 year.
While not the same as the pictured ones, I can really reccomend them.
And having a unified clippboard is just so convenient
Hm, my experiences with e-Bay have been pretty bad (hard to return items or get customer support involved when something is wrong). I’ve had better luck with just random mid-sized buisnesses or directly ordering from the manufacturer.
Yeah fr, I do lots of my online shoping with a vpn, an adblocker, blocking non-necessary java scripts and using my own e-Mail domain or a temporary adress from my provider and have never been blocked or got restricted.
You can predefine keywords/phrases, yes. But there are many other options. You can tag different documents based on how they wherer ingressed (which e-Mail they came/were sent to from for example). I have it set up so that my scanner has a few different quick action buttons which atomatically upload the documents into different folders (think bills, helthcare, bank, etc.) Then paperless tags and sorts them based on those folders.
I also does machine-learning when enabled which works ok in my experience.
Man, I read the title and wanted to commebt paperless ngx before reading your post.