Slashing is overrated. They’re less likely to connect because they’re slower and easier to see (it’s easier for humans to detect movements across your vision than movement directly toward you). They also have less effect since the force is spread out over a larger area. Yes, you can generate huge forces in a swing if you really wind up and hit with just the right part of the weapon or tool but that haymaker is never going to connect against an opponent who’s still awake.
The big advantage of slashing is that it’s easier. It’s the simple dumb response when you had someone a heavy thing. It also often works better than just using your fist or dropping the weapon all together but it’s generally not the best way to use a weapon.
And yes, there are exceptions. Slashing with knives and one handed sticks can be extremely effective. But even with those, stabbing tends to be at least as effective and all these effects are exasperated with larger weapons. Just take a metal bar the size of big sword and swing it at a tree. Then see how many times you could poke that tree in the same time.
Yes but there’s a threshold of how much you need to copy before it’s an IP violation.
Copying a single word is usually only enough if it’s a neologism.
Two matching words in a row usually isn’t enough either.
At some point it is enough though and it’s not clear what that point is.
On the other hand it can still be considered an IP violation if there are no exact word matches but it seems sufficiently similar.
Until now we’ve basically asked courts to step in and decide where the line should be on a case by case basis.
We never set the level of allowable copying to 0, we set it to “reasonable”. In theory it’s supposed to be at a level that’s sufficient to, “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” (US Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8).
Why is it that with AI we take the extreme position of thinking that an AI that makes use of any information from humans should automatically be considered to be in violation of IP law?