I have no idea. That’s why I was asking 🤷
I have no idea. That’s why I was asking 🤷
Is it possible some of these were liquidations or inventory sell-off or something? As a data person my initial assumption would be a few bulk purchases throwing this calculation out of whack
I could see some private dealership figuring out a way to buy the vehicles and resell them as a hard-to-get item later
Edit: down votes for asking a question? Y’all are weird. I’m not even saying it’s not fraud.
“Ben. Benny. Benjamin. I need you to put this on hold for a week or two, okay? Then I’ll be in office and we can genocide together, alright? Gotta save some for me. Can you do that for Don? Thanks, Benjy. You’re great.”
Go pirate. That’s what I do when shit doesn’t work.
I just don’t also fool myself into thinking they will ever change their ways so long as it’s profitable 🤷
I’m not saying you’re wrong. Nor am I telling you to accept the shitty quality stream as the best you can get. I’m just saying this is how the system is set up right now and it’s not a Netflix problem. It’s a capitalism problem.
Big corps like Netflix only care about supporting the 90% of users to who operate in a bog-standard configuration. They really couldn’t care less about supporting things like reverse engineered AirPlay, debloated Windows, Linux running on a Mac, or anything else that’s not damn near configured exactly as it was when it was first removed from the box.
It is not worth the engineering investment to make it work. They would spend more money maintaining these features than they would earn from it.
You can have whatever opinions you want about that reality, but that’s just how it is. Blame capitalism.
deleted by creator
Ayyyy awesome! Glad to hear you’re getting full speeds now!
I’ve personally run into this before, when I got my first gigabit connection. Definitely took me a long time to track it down, and required someone on SmallNetBuilders forum telling me about it haha
With a gigabit connection, you shouldn’t really need QoS, unless your upstream is getting saturated (since I don’t think the coax gigabit providers offer symmetric up/down). But if you do, you’ll want to get another device to do it, or use more simple approaches like just capping throughput per device. If you don’t already have a homelab server, a recent Raspberry Pi should be able to handle it (and then you’d also be able to set up PiHole and other fun self-hosted services)
Issue 1: Don’t use the speed test on your router. Use OpenSpeedTest on your desktop browser. Router hardware isn’t made for this type of function and can often pass traffic (using hardware acceleration) faster than it can decode packets (using the CPU, required for speed tests).
Issue 2: test at off-peak times of day. Last mile for ISPs can get congested and limit actual speeds
Issue 3: Disable QoS, detailed traffic analysis, or other packet-inspection tech on your router. These often require passing the packets through the CPU which can limit max throughput. Check to be sure that “hardware acceleration” is active if possible for your router (sometimes called “cut through forwarding”). This can impact WAN <=> LAN traffic by not LAN-only as it needs to be bridged in a way that LAN-only traffic doesn’t.
Unfortunately, no, not really. They are absolutely able and willing to confiscate your devices at any time once you’re on Chinese soil, and once you’ve lost physical control, that’s the end of trust for that device. Even beyond that, it’s not unheard of for there to be vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc that make your device susceptible to wireless attacks. IMO it’s not worth the risk.
Here is just one example of this type of thing uncovered by The Guardian, New York Times, and others in a joint investigation: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/02/chinese-border-guards-surveillance-app-tourists-phones
Do not bring your normal personal devices to China. They are notorious for injecting spyware on foreign devices at every opportunity. Use a freshly formatted device and create all new accounts to use with it.
Regarding services: do not use self-hosted services unless you you spin up fresh, isolated instances of your services for use while abroad and spin them down afterwards, including formatting any OS they were hosted on.
Regarding VPN: because we are assuming that any device used in China is compromised, do not connect to your VPN unless you have set up a segregated VLAN and are connecting through a VPN server instance created specifically for use while in China.
Basically, assume anything you use in China is compromised. And assume your connections are being monitored. And assume that any device you are connecting to from China is at risk of being compromised. So everything needs to be segregated from the rest of your network and set up specifically to be deleted after you’re back home.
It is important to note that while a FICO score is roughly equivalent to “trustworthiness”, the three credit agency scores (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) are NOT meant to reflect your trustworthiness directly. Rather, they are specifically designed to inform lenders of your profitability for them.
It’s an important distinction because having a an outstanding payment history alone won’t improve these scores, if you aren’t utilizing available credit and maintaining some running balance with lenders.
Basically, if you’re just going to borrow money and never pay any interest on the loans, you aren’t actually a source of profit and therefore aren’t a desirable customer for lenders and creditors
Just a heads up, people should be wary of playtron to a degree: the CEO is a guy named Kirt McMaster. Anyone from the Android enthusiast community may know him as the guy who convinced the creator of CyanogenMod to incorporate (becoming Cyngn) and then drove the company into the ground chasing skinning and theming revenue, and wouldn’t even allow the community to keep the cyanogen brand (they had to rebrand it to LineageOS)
Kirt sucks. He’s a terrible leader and a terrible businessperson. I’m sure there are plenty of great people involved in playtron but with him at the helm of the company I am not expecting it to end well
Portion control. Don’t assume you can handle a full joint after a t-break. When I’m smoking infrequently a joint can last me 6+ sessions and I’ll be perfectly happy.
It’s literally a multiplayer competitive shooter. That’s the game.
My solution for this type of situation is MicroBin running on my home network from a non-standard port, with a port knocker to open and close the port when needed.
My router handle DDNS so I can always contact my home network easily. I port-knock to trigger an iptables command on the router to forward traffic to the MicroBin host.
I also have my phone set up to connect via openvpn to my home network so that I can remotely do things like start and stop services, set port forwarding rules, etc.
I’ve seen a lot of stupid comments about this outage but this by far the dumbest.
Software development is not a zero-sum game. The people who work on building detection logic aren’t the same people who build the release management cycle or test deployments.
There is a lot to shit on CrowdStrike for in this debacle. “If they hadn’t been working on AI they could have avoided this” isn’t part of it.
Source: Am infosec. Company uses CrowdStrike. Was impacted today. Follow this stuff very closely.
I mean to say that the connection attempt is failing because the traffic is never reaching the server.
There is no traffic on Port 8081 in those logs
Yeah your iptables is already set to up ACCEPT by default meaning no blocking.
My next step would be to determine whether the traffic is reaching the target machine. Look into how you can monitor inbound traffic and verify whether the server even sees the inbound connection attempt
Lol check my post/comment history and see how fucking wrong you are
Literally caucused for Bernie.
Everyone is so ready to pick up a pitchfork that you fail basic reading comprehension.
I’m literally just trying to think of ways they could have EXECUTED this. I said nothing of the legitimacy, fairness, justice, or legality of the behavior
It is the bread and butter of capitalist fucks to operate just barely within the letter of the law.
This was never apologia and your (and others) penchant for picking a fight is toxic as fuck.