I like to use Privacy Badger. It’s the best tracker blocker I’ve found so far.
I like to use Privacy Badger. It’s the best tracker blocker I’ve found so far.
They already requested my ID a couple of years ago, because for some reason they classified some RDR2 channel I was watching to be 18+. I literally blacked out EVERYTHING besides my name and date of birth and they accepted it lol.
You could create a burner account to be on the safe side. I believe there is a way to export the channels you’ve subscribed to and I port them to a new account. Haven’t tried that myself though yet.
I remember my mother had a similar situation where she and a few coworkers complained about the headshots and they ultimately removed them.
It sucks that your friends upload pictures of you without consent. That’s not a nice thing to do…
There are two pictures I know of from my graduation, but unless you know where I stand in the group picture it’s literally impossible to spot me. My face is half-covered by someone else, which I was really upset about back then haha :D
Suddenly I’m very glad that I never uploaded any pictures of myself to any social media network ever.
Thanks for the insight. Any alternative you recommend? I admit I haven’t been keeping up to date with my extension as of lately.