As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.
As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.
A study that sticks in my mind is that negative comments outweigh positive comments in how they are felt by the receivers. What is perceived as balanced is a ratio of one negative comment to five positive comments. Do downvotes have the same weight as comments? IDK, but I without the feedback of comments, there isn’t much to base anything on. I get attacked in droves if I comment about anything Russian. We clearly do not see events through the same lens.
I spent a few nights in a straw bale home, wanting to experience what they were like. They are incredibly quiet. Each bale is 1.5 ft of soundproofing/insulation. The loudest part of the house was the clock ticking. The house was heated by appliances such as the refrigerator and water heater. A local monastery built several to rent out for people wanting a tranquil contemplation.
“I would like to talk to a lawyer before answering any questions” is my magic phrase. It is fairly easy to remember.
Musk has a string of businesses that he buys, starts to run, and then drives them into the ground. Buying a business that is already driven into the ground is a new one,
I run out of spoons long before I run out of knives. I want to stretch my spoon supply to last a full day.
Silly MedPiggy, Tax breaks are for Billionaires.
I wonder what other uses there are to sell data that is not for advertising? My second thought goes to what is in place to stop a middleman from saying that they would not sell information for advertising purposes, but selling the data for “quality control of data acquisition” purposes. If you are getting a service for free, you are the product.
Have any of your blood relatives had any diseases that have a genetic component? Cancer? Heart disease? Yeah, we don’t cover that, it’s as clear as day, in the fine print, on page 13,131 of indexed addendum information. Additionally, you knowingly had this information from a DNA test, which constitutes fraud, making your policy null and void. Thank you for your business.
Does the adhesive taste as good as the ones in grade school?
Not compared to a Musk truck. Then it’s 5% ish, and a bargain.
That is fixable. Make waves with higher ups. Many in education are trying to fight this same battle. There are better alternatives, as we all know. I also work in education.
I was getting excited about getting a new vehicle, and was looking at a Tesla.
But, Nope! I’ll ride a tricycle before Elon gets a penny from me.
I put one of these in a Victorian which had a kitchen being brought up to code. Doors and windows cut up the kitchen wall space, leaving this as an elegant solution to have an efficient kitchen. I did have to reinforce the seams behind and at the chevron cut at the sink edge. I liked working at the sink. Dishes were easy to reach, and water did not splash when handwashing dishes, but making more room for modern appliances was nicer. If the kitchen was not destroyed in a flood, I would still have it. I liked it.
A quick search confirms that MacOS is based from proprietary BSD UNIX code. It is not compatible with Linux
We watch while another group tries to overthrow an two elections.
If this were some fiction plot, Copilot reasoned the plot twist, and ran with it. Instead of the butler, the writer did it. To the computer, these are about the same.