From where I’m from we have a saying: Thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of pardon.
It rhymes in my native language btw.
edit: typo
From where I’m from we have a saying: Thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of pardon.
It rhymes in my native language btw.
edit: typo
Some people just don’t care. To me it really feels like they are trying to create the problems to later sell the solution, and it’s a never ending cycle. I’ve quit my recent job because 90% of the team just sucks, security risks everywhere, the API just doesn’t respect contracts, there’s no contract actually, we just ask on private chats how to integrate with it really. New features on top of buggy code while support is on fire with the 100th bug ticket reported in just a week. Not to mention that you have a design team, a project manager and a “VP of engineering” but the epics they want you to do are almost just the title of the idea they had at lunch 😅.
This guys are very lucky because the operation teams is able to cash in millions of revenue a year by combining excel, monday and WhatsApp to do their jobs, while a few are still forced to interact with a piece of shit of software that the engineer department provides to them…
Anyway, some people just don’t care.
Would have thought Google would be on top of this though, but probably not?
It’s against play store ToS, but if somehow you can make it look organic enough it might be difficult to proof. In truth I don’t know how this kind of services operate. I do think Google would try to counter this as much as possible yes. And 8M reviews can’t be just from this kind of services, at some point you have real users engagement, you just need the initial visibility boost.
Good luck with your research🖖
Maybe something like this service. Find it a bit dishonest if you ask me, but I don’t think it affects competition that much. People will try multiple apps if they don’t find what they are looking for.
I’m waiting for this day
Doesn’t Kotlin has interoperability with Java? I didn’t used it much yet but I’m about to in a few months. Is it that difficult to just refactor things to Kotlin when you need to change something in the project? I’m asking because I just can’t work with verbose languages and would prefer Kotlin to Java everyday.
You would be surprised on how Europeans can adapt to that very quickly. If you take Apple out of the European market sure it will cause some fuss, with time we adapt.
A friend of mine named his dog Byte. The dog is very playful, and has the habit of running in the direction of other people he meets.
When the dog does that my friend tries to call him back shouting: “BYTE!! BYTE!!”. People get really scared when this happens 😂
Okay, not so funny if you are the one being approached by the dog.
They are expensive for the general public. But the M1 chip is actually very performant.
stremio with addons ahoy
this is really insightful, thanks!