Or starts screaming for mama
Or starts screaming for mama
Took the words right out of my mouth. I will never say a single unkind word to an obese person, I was there too once and know how hard it is, but lets not pretend it’s healthy to be that way either.
if it’s not my body, it’s none of my fucking business.
Please don’t be obtuse. When it gets put into an ad campaign aimed at me and the 99.9% of other people where looking like would be extremely bad for our own personal health, it becomes our business.
Look at it another way, a year ago would you have said to an antivaxxer / antimasker “who am I to judge”? The effects here are much more subtle and take more time, but the same logic applies, and the results of inaction are no less insidious.
So sure, all right, maybe a single person might be all right without a vaccine/without a mask/eating only 30 calories a day, but that is not something that should be encouraged. And the dumbass republicans/marketers who spread this behavior should be called out and shamed.
Biden is a good guy, but damn if he isn’t stuck in the past. Every decision he makes seems like it would’ve made sense if it was still 1998. This is something Clinton probably would’ve done and everyone would’ve loved him for it, but the world has moved on, and people now understand the situation there is not as black and white as they thought.
That’s a bold move Cotton …
Trickle down economics doesn’t work dude
Yeah, this is just trickle down economics, which we all know is total bullshit
lol, sorry, wasn’t calling you out specifically or anything. I meant in a more general sense
to be honest, I think both are pretty cringe
I’m more concerned about the other 30%. Wish I had the kind of money to say fuck it, I don’t want it but I’m buying it anyways
OK, but then at that point we’re fucked anyway and it ALL becomes moot.
OK great, because that tech will never exist.
The first step is to install docker
I appreciate the effort, but I’m a normie, so nah …
lol, exactly. that is literally reddit for me now as well
Facebook never “died”, but no one goes there anymore either. Reddit will be the same.
My guess is that it could be determined by location, industry, or some other criteria, depending on the union that is attempting to be formed. For example, all workers at a single Starbucks location, or Amazon truck drivers, or similar.
Why would it be illegal? A cease and desist is just a fancy letter saying do what we want or else we’ll go crying to a judge. If the original dev hasn’t done anything wrong (I’m not familiar with the project but I’d still say that’s highly likely to be the case) then there’s nothing to worry about. So make all the clones you want, and watch a dumbass company Streisand itself