This won’t embolden white supremacists at all…
This won’t embolden white supremacists at all…
Get. Off. Reddit.
Well at the bare minimum you can unionise.
Mark Zuckerberg is a whiny piss baby.
Hypothetically, if Hitler saved a child from being hit by a car would you publicly sing Hitlers praises and be happy to make positive quotes about it?
Does being on the right side of a single issue negate everything else?
You sound (mostly) libertarian.
Thanks for the explanation though.
This sounds like some kind of an enlightened centrist take.
Educate me though, can you briefly describe your political philosophy?
Conservatives can quite frankly go somewhere else.
Their policies are terrible and the only redeeming qualities of most countries we live in are socialist.
Lemmy should reflect the actual political spectrum which is (IMO) Social Democrats on the far right and Tankies on the far left.
And what exactly have leftists become and what do they hate?
What’s next for that absolute cesspool?
Looking forward to the next pandemic where vaccines aren’t even developed because the Facebook rabble demands politicians provide us all with crystals and horoscopes instead.
What was the point of your comment then? I’m sorry I missed it.
Tangentially then, I’d suggest to you that while it is useful to adopt more therapeutic models of inmate care through a rehabilitation focused correctional centre, ultimately the effort required to change behaviour at the point of incarceration is inordinate. (Take a read: https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev.lawsocsci.3.081806.112833)
Crime (and violence) is and remains a social problem and directing funding and effort near the end of a criminal episode (at the point of incarceration) is not as effective as providing a decent social safety net that provides for a stable household and gives children a chance denied to their parents. (Old paper but gives you an idea as to the complexity and unreliability of solving this: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles/171676.pdf)
If I have given the impression that I think this is unsolvable I apologise, that’s not at all my position.
I’d like to gauge how informed someone is on a topic before taking them too seriously.
Well it’s fine to have the sentiment you have (no violence in jails) but I’m really interested in how you’d propose to achieve that?
You ever been to jail?
Yuck not Sam Hyde. He is not a good person.
I lol’ed at that pic as well…
It’s completely plausible that a singer is not that politically educated.
Just because they are famous doesn’t mean they are across all issues.
No sane individual is going to pay for a subscription for phone backgrounds.
That is absolutely a stupid business idea and the people who came up with it should be publicly shamed.
I think many people underestimate the level of impulsivity associated with crime.
The average criminal who breaks and enters is not doing research based off your bumper stickers to determine your weekend routine so the house is empty.
They usually are just walking down the neighbourhood and spot an open door, run in and grab valuables then leave.